"Answer when spoken to boy!" The man yelled, and plundered his cane to ground. Even with the smallest action such as that, the whole house shook.

"Yes." Theo snapped back.

The man smiled, his teeth were rotted, black if you will. Many were missen, all but his four front, and two bottom.

"And what's your name?" He directed to Theo.

"Theo" He blandly spoke.

"Ah Theodore Nott is it?"..." We've got all 5/5 Death Eaters!" " He raised his cane to the air.

Devyn stepped back out from behind Theo. She couldn't let Theo get taken, it was her job, and she'd like to consider Theo her friend.

"There's only four of us." Theo snapped back.

"Tsk Tsk" The man said with his tongue,"There's one more."

"Who-" Devyn sheepishly spoke, trying her best to clear her throat.

The man smiled once more, clearly getting high amounts of entertainment.

"Lukas Brunt!" The man sung out.

The two students pondered. They knew no one named Lukas Brunt.

"HA!" The man pointed to Devyn.

"You don't know Lukas, do ya pretty?" He added once more, inching closer with every creaking floorboard.

"Don't call me that." Devyn sneered.

"Then what's ya name?"

She remained silent.

"Oh cmonnnn you're either Harry or Ron, but I don't see you being that ugly, orr Ginny, but your no Weasley, and clearly you don't know Lukas.. so you have to be.. AH! Devyn is it?"

She shuttered. He knew all of them. Every single fucking one of them.

"Well hello there Devy" The man waved creepily.


"How rude of me! I didn't even say my name" The man coughed loudly, sending spit into the air. Devyn and Theo backed up from the particles.

"My name is formally- Lanet" He bowed down.

Not even on purpose, Devyn slipped a giggle. Again- her coping mechanism was something she did in fact have to work on.

"Find my name funny do ya?" He seethed out.

Devyn stayed silent, and Theo squeezed her hand for the second time.

Lanet stayed locking eyes with Dev, looking as if he was staring deep into the alley ways of her mind.

"Well.." Lanet spoke out, dimming his eyes at the clock on his wrist.

"Time to go!" He flashed his wand back.

Theo stepped back with Dev behind him. His arms fully wrapping behind him and onto her body. He was guarding her for whatever reason there was necessary.

"I suppose-Devyn- You can come with us!" He smiled once more.

Before Devyn, or even Theo could testify, the world went spinning. Bright white and black flashes ached in their eyes. Felt like hell to their minds.

But what Devyn appeared in her state of mind wasn't just pleasant, it was horrific.

She crashed down to some type of cage, a metal chained dog like cage. Theo stayed in haze and unconscious the cage across with Pansy.

Her eyes managed to flicker up. Towards whatever loud buzzing noise was playing. But what appeared was nothing to what she thought it was.

Scanning on a huge screen was a film of someone's childhood. A memory maybe. The quality was perfect, too perfect. Almost as if they were projecting someone's mind.

Devyn stayed silent, just observing as to what the hell was happening. Any current situation that could help her escape or even find the others.

But she already did the second part; find the others.

Locked in cages across the dungeon like room, was Pansy and Theo. Then Blaise chained with locks and Ron with him aswell. In onse single cage a boy sat alone, in dirty condition, but had no wounds. Gosh this boy was pretty was Devyn's first terrible thought.

Lukas Brunt. The unknown former death eater that no one knew about. This boy was just staring across the room, straight to Dev. His hair was messy, and a deep flush of brown. His eyes were hazel and his white dress shirt was crinkled and unbuttoned.

Devyn didn't have the time to fantasize over this new boy. Draco was missing, and worst of all Harry and Ginny.

Harry and Ginny weren't in cages, they were much much inadequate. Hanging upside down, eyes shut and showing endless amounts of injury.

Chained with silver shackles. Two of Harry's fingers were missing and his hands were bleeding out. His glasses were harshly crumbled underneath him, with his torso bare and covered with cut's of lightning bolts made from ragged glass.

Next was Ginny. Her healthy red hair was no longer red, just dead and almost like it had been pulled by some type of machine. Her jaw was hanging open, as if it had seemed to be smashed, or broken.

The couple was sadistically beaten and tortured, for God knows how long.

Devyn's heart fell completely out of her chest. These people were ruthless and careless on how they got to her friends. She was scared what would happen to her.

She began to try and pull of her locks, maybe some type of random strength would emerge for her. But as she shook her chains, a swift movement was seen from the glimpse of her eye.

Blaise was beaten roughly, his cheeks bruised with purple, and his eye swollen so he could barely even see. But even in his crippling state, he was still shaking his head no. Signaling for Devyn to not try and escape.

Because little did she know, Harry and Ginny made it halfway out previously, nearly escaped. But just as they were disapperating, they were disastrously caught.

The reasons for their wounds were self explanatory. And they would happen to Devyn if she did the same as them.

She backed down from shaking her manacles off and subsided to the front of the cage. Looking for anyone she couldn't see, or even examine their frugal state.

Blaise- Beaten badly.

Theo- Unconscious

Pansy- Her shirt was torn off, mascara stained her cheeks, and her lips were bleeding.

Harry and Ginny- Near death.

Ron- Came off as if his feet were broken, the bones were twisted in ways she though unimaginable.

Lukas- In somewhat good condition? compared to the others atleast.

Finally, Draco.

That's the one thing she couldn't seem to put together.

Draco wasn't in a locked cage, instead he sat in front. His messy blonde head resting down, as if he was sleeping. Still tied on his ankles and hands to the metal framed chair.

Two small beads webbed across his forehead. The balls of light were dangling as if they were prancing though his mind.

Devyn stayed puzzled and in a state of confusion. But it took little brilliance to finally witness what was happening.

"Draco" A feminine voice played on the screen infront.

The childhood memory is Draco's, and everyone is watching it.

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