Chapter 7: Trost Battle/Two Monsters Unleashed

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"Fight!"she heard in her head was Eren's voice.

"I'll never give up again....if I die..I won't be able to remember you and these memories will go down with me. So that's why...I'll do whatever it takes to win! Whatever it takes to live!!"She thought to herself as she grabbed on to her sword and yelled.

Suddenly she felt the entire ground beneath her shake and break as she was basically tossed to the side from the titans foot step that was close to her. She heard two loud impacts as she fell to the ground, she opened her eyes and looked up to see a very muscular titan standing over a fallen over titan. The titan began to brutally stomp on the head and neck of the titan that was on the ground.

"That killing...another titan"she thinks to herself

She was so deep in thought that she didn't realize that she was picked up by Armin and landed on the roof.

"Mikasa are you alright?"Armin asks with worry


They then hear someone else land with them and it's Connie

"Are you guys alright?"

"Yea were good"Answers Armin

"Then we better get out of here...WOAH two fifteen meter titans!!"Connie says in a panic

"No..that ones different"Mikasa says

They see the titans roar at each other but then the rogue titan lifts up its arms and gets into a fighting stance much to their horror. The titan roars and charges at the rogue but the rogue titan swings its left arm at the titans head with so much force, its head came flying off its body. The titan falls to the ground while the rogue titan looks at its hand which is regenerating really quickly. He then stomps on the titans weak spot, killing it.

"It knew exactly where to strike at the weak spot"said Armin surprised

"We'll we gotta get our of here"Said Connie in a frantic voice

"Yea...Mikasa have what's left of the gas in my gear"says Armin

"Armin..."Mikasa says while Armin gives her what's left in his gear

"Just leave me here..."Armin says while looking at his blade

Mikasa then grabs the blade out of his hand and throws it down"Armin...I won't leave you here"

They get up but then another titan then appeared in which the rogue titan got into its stance ready for an attack but something then started wrapping around this titan...something that was blood red. The titan then completely burned away much to the trios horror. When the titan fell to the ground they could see what had killed it, it looked like a demon...something that wasn't from this world.

"W-what t-the h-hell is that"says Connie with a tremble in his voice

"I d-don't know"says Armin equally terrified

The Rogue titan and the demon creature begin to roar at each other for a few seconds but then go their ways to kill more titans.

"Are they not gonna attack or kill each other?"Asks Connie with a very confused expression

"Maybe...just maybe we can use them to our advantage"Says Armin

"WHAT?!?!Are you crazy!...these two didn't just become our best friends!!"Yells Connie

"Yes but maybe we can lead these two to the supply unit and take out all the titans that are swarming there"

"That could work"said Mikasa

Lost (Naruto/Aot crossover and Eremika)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon