"Do you want to talk about it?" she asked slowly and softly. I chuckled darkly

              "Is this your act on being my cousin, Black?" I chuckled and she made a sound with her tongue, "It doesn't suit you."

              "I'm trying to be nice here Malfoy." She said, her voice pissed. I shook my head, the duality of women.

              "You literally never asked me before." I said now turning around, my lower back leaning onto the sink looking at her with amusement while her face looked pissed, I scoffed at that, it was our first time talking like this, this was more comfortable than my talks with Lilith. Maybe because she was my cousin, probably that's why I was comfortable with her now.

              "Okay, bloody hell! I won't do it again, then. Sorry for asking." She said sarcastically and turning away her gaze from me, her arms crossed at her chest, but made no movement to go away from here.

              "That's more like it Godfrey." I smirked and she looked tense but had a small smile afterwards, then I had said, "you know, you're mudblood surname suits you better than your pureblood one."

              "What is it with you and mudbloods?" she said rolling her eyes,

              "It's what my father taught me." I said shrugging,

              "Well then, your father is a twat." She said, we both stared at each other for a while before laughing softly at what she said. My father was more than a twat.

              "Now, do you want to talk about it?" she asked now, seriously isn't she gonna let that go? I sighed shaking my head and mentally getting angry at myself as I felt tears brimming at my eyes once more, desperate to leave my eyes.

              "I can't." I muttered quickly, "You will think probably that I am a pathetic person."

              "Well you already are," she said then cleared her throat as I let out a small growl, "I mean, what is this about that you think that I will look at you more pathetically?" she inquired. This woman is getting on my nerves, I want to hex her. "Crying isn't a sign of weakness Draco. It shows that a man like you can be vulnerable and be able to feel those emotions."

              I looked up at that, pain in my eyes, my eyes were stinging, and the tears just won't stop flowing. What made me shock is what she did next, she had leaped forward hugging me. Her arms hugging me tight and I felt the familiar warmth that I feel whenever Lilith hugs me. I was still processing that another human being had hugged me without fear, and shocked that someone was hugging me. We both stood there for seconds, which felt like hours, I was hesitant. Should I hug her back? I raised my hands hesitantly.

              I hesitantly wrapped my arms around her small figure, hugging her back. A deadly silence had embraced our surroundings, and I was hoping that no one will see us. suddenly, my body started shaking as gore images entered my mind, imagining Lilith's dead body and my parents', I was crying against her shoulder. My knees giving in slowly lowering myself, Agape had followed my lead not breaking the hug and now we both were sitting down on the cold floor. I was now crying openly in her arms, as I couldn't control my emotions anymore.

              "He's going to kill me." I muttered between sobs, and hiccupped, "He's going to kill Lilith." I said hugging her tight as I imagined it once more. "He's going to kill my family." I said again between sobs, as I cried uncontrollably at her shoulder, she kept quiet as she caressed my back telling me to calm down and it wasn't going to happen. I was not even calming down at the slightest, we weren't sure that it won't happen, knowing the Dark Lord, he wouldn't hesitate to kill.

The Vindication [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now