They walked together back to L'manberg in silence. The sun was up high in the sky. They needed to ask someone about the cut branch.

The loud knock at the door pulled him out of listening to the discs. Tommy stopped what he was doing and opened the door to Frost staring back at him. He would give them a hug but after last time he sided with avoid contact.

"What are you doing here?" The song in the background slightly distracting him. Frost looked at him pointing inside. He moved aside and they walked in.

The house had been decorated and designed by Tommy, that was clear just by looking inside. Leaning against the wall they scanned his house; it was messy compared to Niki's. The song playing in the background had added to the nice atmosphere.

Their golden eyes met with his blue ones. He was confused on why they were here; he didn't take them as the 'come to hangout' type of person.

"I have a question, be fully honest." He nodded preparing for something weird.

"Who would want Tubbo dead?" The question knocked him off balance and he nearly fell. Frost noticed his shock, whoops?

"What do you mean who wants Tubbo dead?!" He practically yelled at them. Why was this such a shocking question? They didn't think it was.

"Like Dream or someone else etc. Just someone who would have a motive to off him. You know?"

"Nobody! Nobody would want to kill Tubbo!" He shot back annoyed. They frowned thinking.

"Clearly someone wanted to; they rigged the tree." Frost mutter to them self. Tommy gasped at what they said.

"Well I'm off cya." They tried to walk off like it was nothing. Tommy stepped in front of them blocking the way. "You're not going anywhere we need to tell everyone else. Now!" They shrugged.

Gathering up everyone, Frost told them what happened. They didn't care if everyone knew or not as long as they could check out the branch again.

Eret had agreed to come with Frost to look at the branch again. Wilbur had other things to do. Tommy was keeping an eye on Tubbo and not letting him out of his sight.

The two silently walked together to the flower garden. Frost loved the smell of the forest, even if the forest had only gotten them hurt so far. They looked toward the side where Eret was walking. Again, a shadow of someone passed by someone was watching them. They didn't know the intentions but assumed them to not be good.

The air seemed to warm as they got closer to the tree that Tubbo was stuck under. Frost went to the part the tree had 'broken'. Half of the branch had been cleanly cut, showing it was a clear trap, they could feel Eret examining it as well.

"Who would try to hurt Tubbo?" They questioned Eret, they knew he didn't have an answer.

"Well me of course!" A childish boy voice came. Both got sent into defense mode hearing the new voice.

The grip on Frosts axe tightened, they knew better than to do any real fighting with their arm messed up. A chuckle ran shivers down Eret's back. The voice was extremely sadistic. They looked around trying to find the source of the laughing.

"Your new name is Frost? You know I kinda like it!" The voice rang out, it seemed like the voice was quickly circling them. It made no sense.

"Frost looks like you made some new friends! Don't worry I won't prank them too hard!" He laughed. Eret's nerves were racing.

They both flipped hearing the tree ruffling. A boy stood on one of the branches clearly visible to both. He wore shaggy red and black clothes; his hair was a matching color. Band aids littered his face, the outfit he wore was like a pop stars. He wore headphones around his neck, a big smile plastered on his boyish face.

Both looked at him confused. They hadn't seen him in the tree before, he laughed, floating down from the tree. Eret backed away from the red teen.

He hovered up to Frosts face smiling. "I thought you'd be more excited to see me. It's been a bit!" He smiled wider at the frozen teen. They couldn't seem to move frozen in place.

"Who...Who are you?" His face dropped, blinking looking for a lie on their face. He was met with none. His shoulders sagged a bit.

"Heh a good old puzzle should remind you!" His happiness was back in an instant. He pulled out a potion of glowing liquid. Eret cried out watching the poison potion hit Frosts feet. They fell to the floor struggling for air. Dying.

Eret looked at the red teen horrified. He smiled and waved at the bi boy. "Don't worry I'll see you later! We'll have to introduce ourselves later!" His hyperness never wavered. He looked down at the dying teen, landing the finally blow. Frost went up in smoke.

Eret was agape, in shock. The boy was hovering criss cross. "You look pretty good went you're not in shock Mr! I'd love to know you! But for now, I must leave." He flew away leaving a shocked Eret. 

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