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"You're not coming with us?" Edward lowered his book to look at her with one of his brows raised.

"That's right. No highschool for me Eddie." Cassie winked at him as she pulled out a sucker from her jacket pocket. She neatly folded the sucker wrapper with her glove covered fingers before she placed the cherry flavored sucker in her mouth.

"Where are you going?" Emmett asked as he stepped back into the room with a broom and dust pan.

"I'm traveling with Ezekiel for a while." Cassie laid down on the couch with her legs hanging over the couch.

"Leading another revolution?" Jasper paused picking up the bigger pieces of wood. "You didn't invite us?"

"Nope." Cassie made sure the p popped as she pulled the sucker out of her mouth. "You guys are starting highschool in a few months. I'm not taking you away from that."

"I wouldn't complain." Edward mumbled.

"I thought you liked Forks." Emmett didn't look up as he swept the shards of wood up.

"I do like Forks, I just don't like having to mingle with adolescents with the mental capacity of raccoons and believe Harry potter is classical literature." Edward gripped as he flipped his page.

"Raccoons are actually rather smart animals."Jasper interjected as he moved to the kitchen to throw the bigger pieces of wood away.

"You're just mad about Harry Potter because the quiz you took said you were a Ravenclaw instead of a Hufflepuff." Cassie laughed when Edward threw a round throw pillow at her face. "Not even a Gryffindor." This time he threw his book at her but she easily caught it.

"Sorry kid, I'm the only one with that title in the family." Emmett playfully wrapped an around Edwards shoulders, pulling the copper haired vampire out of the chair and against his chest. Emmetts knuckles of his free hand rubbed against Edwards' hair. "By Gyffindor the bravest were prized far beyond the rest."

"Get. Off. Me." Edward grumbled and wigled against his grip with his arms flailing around frantically.

"JASPER!" Rosalie's voice cut through the house and her heels echoed off the floor.

"You don't have to yell Rose." Jasper stated as picked up the discarded broom and dust pan. "I can hear you if you whisper."

"I'll yell if I want to." Rosalie tossed her blonde curls over her shoulder, as she stepped into the living room. "Emmett let go of Edward."

Rosalie rolled her eyes as she glanced to the two wrestling on the ground, Emmett had Edward pinned face down in the carpet with his knees in between his shoulders. Edwards hands were beating against the floor and his legs were kicking out while Emmett just laughed.

"I say we leave them." Cassie's smirk grew as she placed the sucker back in her mouth as watched the two brothers.

"Emmett." Rosalie scolded with no real emotion. "Jasper, try these on." Rosalie held out her hand with a pair of glasses with a thin gold frame wrapped around a round lens. Jasper didn't question her, he simply grabbed the pair from her hand and slipped them on.

"They make you look smart." Emmett smiled as he sat back on the couch, ignoring the glare from Edward who was straightening out his clothes.

"Does it look weird if we have a matching pair?" Rosalie questioned as she slipped on an identical pair of glasses, the only difference being the silver frame.

"It makes you look more like twins." Cassie shrugged as she twisted and tossed her legs over Emmetts lap.

"Why do you two need glasses anyways?" Edward snapped.

Devils in the Details •Jasper Hale• 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora