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Don't you hate it when you have slept for 9 hours yet you still felt tired and sleepy?
And then waking up to knew you are getting on your period?

I just wanted to scream and go back to bed, but i can't. I had to wash this bed sheet. And then put it in laundry.

After showered, i felt so much better. Of course i still felt a little bit sleepy- almost walked into the shower door, but i managed to stay alive.

I had never liked Mondays. There was just something strange about it. I guess, i was just too attached to weekend. Who doesn't like weekends? Besides, it isn't unfair how weekends are close to Monday but Monday are so far to weekends. You feel?

It was mid August, and it was windy. I put on my coat, ready to start my day. Here goes nothing.

As i walked down the stairs, i catched a peek of blonde streaks at the end of the stairs, and i immidiately knew it was Niall.

His back was facing me and he was talking to an old woman, greeting her and asked about her morning. That was what i could hear because i didn't stopped by and say hi, since i was kind of late for my shift at the cafe.
I've been coming late these past two days, i would not let myself get fired. No.

As i walked down the street, i heard someone called my name. "Kate!"

I spun around and Niall was running to me. He must have seen me when i left the building.

"Hi, Niall." i greeted.

"Where ya headin'?" he asked me. He was dressed. I was sure he's going somewhere too, so i continued walking.

"Work. You?"

"Studio." he smiled, "What time does your shift ends?"

"Around three. Why?" i asked back.

His mouth was partly opened, but he closed it right away.
"I just want you to hear a bit of our next single. I bet you'll like it." he grinned.

I smirked, folding my arms. "What makes you so sure?"

"Cause i wrote it." He said and paused.
"Just come, listen to the lyrics and you'll know."

"We'll see."

I stopped my tracks and so did he. We were going on a different path. Me, right and him, left.

"I have to go, i'm a bit of late." i said.

He nodded. "Okay. I'll see you?"

I threw him a cheeky smile. "I still can't believe we're doing this Dear John thingy."

"It's cute. I always wanted to do that." he chuckled. Still waiting for me to respond.

"I'll see you soon." i smiled, which he replied. "Bye." i spun around and walked down the street.

I passed lots of stores along the way, but one had caught my attention. It was a book store. There was nothing special about it. Just a book store. But, i haven't read novels since ages, so i promised my self that i would come and stop by one day.

When i got to Pepper, there were quite a lot of people in the queue line.

Jane saw me, and she looked relieved. "Thank Godness! Hurry! I'm overwhelmed." I went to place my bags and put my apron and start working.

"Where's Asher?" i asked, since i haven't seen him.

"He's late as well. Must have watched the football game last night, whatevs." she said, "Hello, what can i help you?" Jane flashed a fake smile to a customer.

I was just making coffee and Asher showed up, "Hey." he said in a sleepy voice. I smiled, "Trouble sleeping?"
He just nodded, "A bit tired." and then he started serving foods.

"I only got 2 hours of sleep. And in the morning Hailey needed help with her grocery. That's why i was late."
I just nodded, "And trust me, i think she bought the whole things in the market."

"Hailey?" i asked, raising my eyebrow.

"Oh, she's just the girl next door." he shrugged.

I nodded again, "Why don't you take a rest for a while. Look at those eyebags." i suggested.

"No no, if Silvia found out, she will have my head." he said and yawned.
"Besides, there are pretty much people coming today."

"I'm sure me and Jane can handle it. You go get some rest, leave Silvia to me." i smiled.

"Why are you so nice?" he said and hugged me. To be honest, i was taken aback by his action. But i recovered quickly and hugged him back.

He let go and yawned again. "I'll work some more and then i'll sleep."


The end of Knee Socks by Arctic Monkeys way playing in the background. I was laying on the sofa- in the middle of cleaning my apartment. Only few more things to do though, then i will be done and i could catch up some sleep.

The music changed to I Wanna Be Yours. My favorite. So i got up and started cleaning the table. (And of course, singing along to the lyrics.)

"You call the shots babe, i just wanna be yours." I sang.

But of course, there always will be an interruption in the middle of my singing sesh. Loud knocks were on my door, and some yelling i couldn't catch to know because the music was too loud. I turned down the volume, and the voice became more clear.

"Shut the fucking music! I'm trying to sleep. Hey!" He kept knocking.

Oops. Sometimes i forgot i'm not the only one who lives in the god damn world.

I got to the door and opened it, ready to take every mean words that spitted out of his mouth.

I thought it would be a New Yorker guy who worked too hard, or some random old guy that never shaved his beard and didn't give a shit about his look. But no, it wasn't. It wasn't the New Yorker guy- it wasn't the random guy either.
It was Niall. He was standing there, with his god damn smirk playing on his face. The hell.

"Nice taste of music." he said.

"Wha.. Was it you? Who was banging at my door?" i asked him.

He chuckled, and that fucking smirk again. "Probably."

"Niall, quit playing." i said, in a serious tone.

He laughed, "It was me, it was me." And stepped into my apartment. "But seriously, your music is too loud. If Macy lived downstairs, she'll be calling the police, assuming you have a party- or a too-loud sex music."

I cringed. "H. Christ."

"I know." he said. "One time, i was trying my new amplifier for my guitar and i was just strumming right. And about 15 minutes later they were cops outside my door. I was scared shitless. I swear. I thought that a murder happened in here or some scary other things whatevs. Geeze, Macy, you have no chill." he breathed.

"Really? Wow, Macy, have some chill." i said.

For a moment, it was quiet but then the room was filled with our laughs.

"Why do we found this even funny, oh God." i said, trying to catch my breath.

He was still laughing. His white teeth were showing, his eyes were shut and there were crinkles around it, his hand was on his stomach while the other one was tapping his own thigh. A small dimple was showing on his cheek. I smiled, it was a beautiful sight to see.

"God, Kate, When i'm with you, everything else just becomes different." he said, still trying to stop himself from laughing.


HEy please please please please please please please VOTE v o t e VOTE
it motivates me to update and kNowIng that there are actual humans reading this thank !!!! love u im sorry its shitty but yeah update !!!!

remember what i said, vOtEeEee

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