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I poured myself a cup of tea, then i put some mint leaves. It was enough to calm me down from the chaotic morning i had. First of, my sink broke. I couldn't wash the dishes, i honestly hated dirty plates. I had to wash them on my bathroom sink, which was complicated cause when i've washed a plate, i didn't know where to put it- come on, it's bathroom, dirty. So whenever a plate was finished, i would put it back to the kitchen and i would go back to the bathroom to wash another one, and put it to the kitchen and so on. That was problem 1.0, of course it didn't end there.

Laura asked me to babysit his baby, Rocky- a dog. And for your info, i'm not much a dog person, i'm more into kittens. But my neighbor used to have lots of dogs and she let me walked them sometimes, it's quite nice. Anyway, Laura went to Hawaii with his boyfriend for a a week or so, and asked me to babysit Rocky. I was hestitated to say yes, because i lived alone, how am i gonna take care of this dog? But being a nice friend i was, i accepted the offer. I had a lot of fun with Rocky, he was a cool one. But see, this morning, i didn't know who pissed on his cheerios, but he pissed on my sofa, literally, like, a water of pee, dog's pee, on my sofa, it stinks. I literally cringed at the thought of that.

"Are you even gonna drink that?" a voice interrupted my thoughts. And the voice belongs to Asher.
"It's colding."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Colding?"

"It's getting cold, you know, one of many words i have invented." he shrugged.

I took few sips of my tea, "Wow."

"Amazing isn't it?" he grinned.

"Yeah.. amazingly weird." i raised both of my eyebrows.

His face fell and he jokingly put his hands on his chest, "Older people are so mean."

"Asher, baby, there's a difference between being mean, and being real." i said. And he put his hands up in defense.

"Ay ay, sir." i laughed and he joined me.

I can't remember the last time i laughed. Of course i've laughed at some jokes on TV Shows, but it was just different, you know. The feeling. With humans, you were able to feel... humanly? I don't know, i thought that it makes you feel... there, breathing, laughing, alive. And it suddenly hit me. The last time i laughed so hard, until i felt like i wanted to pee, was with Niall. Him. The person that i have been avoided, and vice versa, or just what it seems to be. I haven't seen him for about five days. I had a strong feeling that he was ignoring me. When i got home from the his gig, i texted him right away. Saying i wish i could join him and hoping that he would have a great jolly of time. He never replied. He never texted me either. I would love to call him, but i didn't want to annoy him since he's working with the new EP and all. But yesterday, i bumped into Liam and i asked him about the band, the songs.

"It's been pretty well, yeah. Niall, actually, been writing more songs." he pulled a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, "You haven't visited us, what's up? You know we all missed you." Liam said while putting his cigar into his mouth. He looked at me and raised his eyebrows, offering me a cigar. I smiled slightly and shaked my head.

"I haven't got the chance, Liam, i missed the lads too. Tell all of them i said hi, okay?" i hugged him, and we said to each other goodbyes.

"Earth to Kate!" Asher screamed.

"Asher!" i said, "Don't yell. I hate when people are yelling when clearly, they have no reason to." i rolled my eyes.

"I'm sorry, but you were like zoned out and i'm fucking worried." he sighed, "Seriously, Kate, You keep doing that for couple of times today. You barely touch your lunch and that's unsual. Is everything okay?" he asked, i knew he was concerned, but i felt fine.

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