04 || Outerspace

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-3rd person's P.O.V-

Her eyes spotted yet another creature and she groaned feeling like she's seen him before. But she couldn't remember where. He noticed them behind him and threw them a billboard she sliced with ice before it could hit them.

"Not cool" Peter snapped and she huffed speeding up her flying speed.

Her hands formed another white ball of snow as it shot the man to which he with a movement of hand threw to the side.

Lamp posts crushed down the Wizard somehow dodging them and before she knew the cape had gotten stuck and then he flew off.

"Gotcha" Peter caught him with a web. "Well let's go!" Carter says but a light shot down dragging the Wizard up and making Peter abruptly stop grabbing the lamp post and tried pulling him down.

Carter flew over and grabbed the web managing to make the pull stronger and they were pulling down.

"Pull harder" she says as her hands held tighter the web.

"I'm trying" he grunts.

The teenagers were winning on the pull until the force became strong and it pulls them both up.

"Uh, Mr. Stark. I'm being beamed up" Peter cries out and Carter tried to fly off but it was like the force was getting stronger not letting her go.

"Hang on kid!" Stark says as he fought the other creature.

"We need to get out now! Forget the Wizard!" it sounded selfish but she didn't want to know what was inside that spaceship that was pulling them away from the outside.

Peter knew Carter didn't want to be selfish but he also knew and was told the many times that the Vanderwoods women didn't want to go back to space.

They were completely out of the earth's air and into space.

"Peter we need to let go" she says as she looked at Peter who was struggling to breathe. She was too but she could hold a little longer than him.

The Cristallian's have the ability to hold their breath in space for at least an hour longer than that and they'd run out of air.

"No, I can do it!" Peter cried and she frowned.

"Pete you gotta let go I'm gonna catch you" Stark says through the suit.

"But you said to save the Wizard!" he responded.

"Yeah save. Not die doing so!" Carter cried out.

"I can't breath" he says taking off the mask.

"Were too high up! You're running out of air"

"Yeah that makes sense" he says completely out of breath.

Peter!" Carter cries as he falls down.

She immediately shot over and grabbed him.

"Carter don't I've got him"

Stark says and immediately Peter was caught and nanobots around his body making him a full new metal suit.

Just like Iron Mans.

"Mr. Stark it smells like a new car in here!" his air was back and Carter was glad stopping down beside him.

"Happy trails kid. Friday send him home" Stark says and the parachute drags him back flying down to earth. "You go home too" he points at Carter.

"You don't tell me what to do" she snarls but she did want to go home so she flies off in Peter's direction.

But before she could get any further something caught her wrist. She turned and Peter was hiding and her eyes widen and flew over.

He pulled her inside and the doors closed.

"I shoulda stayed in the bus" he breaths out and Carter turned to him. "Ya think!"

The brunette boy looked at his girlfriend as she angrily stared at him.

"Snow I know we shouldn't have stayed but-"

"Peter we're in space. Space! I shouldn't be in space. Space is a bad place for me outside of earth where I'm supposed to be is a bad place. My mom is going to kill me for even getting involved" she sighed dropping to the ground.

She let the mask dissolve and Peter let his mask off he bent down looking at her. "Those were a lot of space word," he jokes to which she wasn't laughing. "But hey look we help them and then if things get ugly we go back I promise"

Carter didn't know, they still weren't that far from earth. "But Peter we don't know what we're really against"

"I know. But they need our help so can we please stay and we go back. Together" he sincerely says touching her cheek and she nodded convinced by him.

"Okay...I don't even know why I let myself be dragged into these things by you" her hands extend asking him to pull her up.

He did and kissed her lips. She loved it. Carter was someone that was never warm. Her hands were always cold and her body temperature was naturally under the temperature. She did have ice powers flowing through her and she was ice herself.

But Peter was warm. His body temperature was like a normal earth person so if it wasn't burning hot she often enjoyed it. She loved it then his lips touched hers. They would want her lips to which it made it harder for her to pull away.

"Thank you" he smiles at her and she nods.

(A/N) Hello peeps!!

They're officially in space! Cater is heading to the start of a war and Iron Man doesn't know it yet. I'm happy about this since i can extend now more of Carter's relationship out of Earth which as you can see has started.

Sorry for any misspellings :)

Remember to stay safe <3

Follow me on Instagram: whorv06.wp

Comment what you think!

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