"Well God damn Frost-" Theo spurred with a light laugh.

And with what felt like a reflex, Devyn hands began to shake. They reached to comfort Ron's soft face.

"Are you okay..." Devyn whispered, examining the bruised cheek she planted on his face.

"Don't fucking touch me-" Ron spat out to her, removing himself from off the bed, swatting Dev's hands off his face. Clearly embarrassed.

"Ron- " Devyn ached out, trying to easily follow him out of the room.

"You tell everyone what to do! Can you just take a hint, no one wants to listen to you!" Ron argued back, holding his cheek with his hands.

Devyn's face dropped, her body jolted from chasing after him.

"It should've been you, instead of Hermione." The ginger boy added one more insult before making his way to his bedroom at the end of the hallway. A loud bang was echoed as he slammed the door shut.

Devyn's mind was in full panic mode.

Oh it felt like hell. Her fist hurt, her lips and cheek hurt, and her heart hurt. God her heart hurt so so so fucking badly. Maybe it should've been Devyn dead, instead of Hermione. Maybe everyone wanted that, and Ron was just the messenger.

So many Maybe's that just weren't reality.

Most importantly, Devny was speechless. What the hell was she to say to that? Because even she felt the same way, she wanted to die, but never got a lucky chance to pursue.

"I'll kill him" Pansy stormed down the hallway, just in reach for Dev to grab her small arm.

"Just let him cool off-" Dev whimpered out.

Pansy rolled her eyes and grasped Dev into a tight hug.

"If it helps- I'm glad it was Granger and not you." Pansy tried. She gave it a shot, but surely shook Devyn.

"Oh - uh- thanks Pans" Devyn muttered out.

"Who am I rooming with?" Pansy spoke cheerfully, as if the past situation didn't happen at all. Simply trying to clear the air with a new, happy topic.

"You can room with me" Dev smiled back.


Pansy smiled sheepishly back and grabbed her luggage. She hauled her five bags into Devyn's room, where there was only one queen bed. Big enough for both of them, but still quite small to fit two people to not touch feet in their sleep.

Devyn looked around, everyone was getting settled into their rooms for their finite stay. All was accounted for except Ginny and Harry.

"Harry.." Devyn yelled.

No respond.

"Ginny.." She spoke again.

No answer.

How odd that neither of them were at the house, especially with the time being roughy 3am.

She found herself looking through every crack and open space they could possibly fit through, but they were nowhere to be found.

This was majorly concerning.

She hesitated to go back outside to look for them, just because of what happened last time with Ron. But something told Devyn that everything was wrong.

Devyn was planning to look back outside in the forest for them, she was already awake half the night. So there was really no harm in staying up the whole night.

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