twenty six

597 8 2

MAY 2021

'So what do you think?' Brad asked with a grin as the man dressed in the black suit left the room.

'It's amazing.' I gawked as I looked around the apartment.

'I love it.' Brad agreed as he stared out the window of the large bedroom.

Both Brad and I had just got back from tour last week, while on tour Brad booked us a few apartment viewings and so far none of them were what we had in mind.

Until now.

The tall, dirty fur haired man named Ian re-entered the room, Brad and I looked to one another with large smiles on both our faces. I gave him a nod before the man spoke.

'So what did you think?' He asked as he focused between the two of us.

'I think this is the one mate.' Brad slung his arm around me as Ian mirrored our expressions.

He led us to the kitchen where we signed a few papers and went through a few things with him.

'If all goes to plan, you can be moved in by June.' He said as he came off of the phone with his employer.

To celebrate the news, Brad and I jumped on a tube and headed into central London- he claimed he wanted to bring me to a 'sick bar' he found online.

As we walked down the cobbled street we came to a halt. I craned my neck to look where we stood outside.

'You didn't!' I gasped.

We stood outside the bar I brought him to the night we first met. I looked to the brick wall where we had our first kiss.

'Are you thinking what I'm thinking?' He asked as his eyes followed my direction.

'What are you thinking?' I asked as I looked up to him, his arm pulled me into his side.

'Just how I nearly took you against that wall.' He said in a low voice.

'I wasn't thinking of it like that but yes.' I watched as he smiled, as though he was proud of himself.

I took his hand and led him inside, it turns out he booked us a table while on the tube.

He gave his name and a lady led us to our table at the back of the bar, we were situated under a large pink, neon light.

'I'm having deja vu.' Brad commented before having a sip of his mojito.

'Makes two of us.' I giggled as I took a drink of my cocktail.

'I'm so excited to move in with you.' Brad said giddily as he reached across and grabbed my hand.

'I can't wait.' I smiled as I looked down at his hand joined with mine.

'We can make ourselves a joint studio.' He said as I looked back up to him. 'We can each have half the room.'

'I think that sounds amazing.' I nodded while still grinning.

'You're amazing.' He grinned while making eye contact.

'Shut up.' I groaned. 'Don't be cheesy.'

Before he could reply the waiter appeared with our starters.

As we ate and drank the conversation flowed, it felt as though it was just the two of us in this world.

Brad rambled of the plans he already had for our new home, however I could barely listen as I sat with a wide smile adoring the man in front of me.

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