twenty three

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'I the ultimate fifth wheel.' Jay joked as we sat down at dinner.

Lola and Callum were going off to Italy tomorrow for a week so we decided to have dinner today before they left, Brad also accompanying us.

Over the Christmas break both Brad and I visited one another's families and spent a night in each other's hometowns.

I always loved to go back to Birmingham whenever I had the chance. I also adored when he visited Brighton. We both got along well with the others family so it always made the trips worth it to see them also.

'Have you got any flat viewings yet?' Lola asked as our eyes scanned over the menu.

'I just got an email today confirming one for later this week.' Brad spoke as he took a swing from his beer.

'I'm so excited for you both.' Jay said with a clap. 'I'm definitely having the spare room though.'

'Not if I beat you to it!' Lola challenged.

'I mean we would need one room to turn into a mini home studio for us both.' I told them. 'Then you can both argue over who gets the spare room.'

A while into our meal, as we were just finishing off our food Brad's phone rang.

'It's Nat.' He said before excusing us to go outside.

We had been over to see Nat earlier today as she wasn't the feeling the best, she was told by her doctor that it could be braxton hicks.

Brad came rushing back into the restaurant with a look of excitement over his face.

'Nat's in labour!' He let out as he sat down with a large smile spreading over his face.

'Oh my god.' I exclaimed as I pulled him in for a side hug.

Everyone shared their excitement as we ordered a round of drinks to celebrate the news, by this time tomorrow a new bundle of joy will be here.

'We're going to have a nephew soon.' Brad turned to me showing his excitement.

'We are.' I mumbled with a smile as his hand took a hold of mine under the table.

'Cheers to Nat and David, and of course the new member of the clan.' Callum said as everyone held up their glasses and clinked them together.

The next morning I was awoken to Brad letting out an excited noise from beside me. I quickly bounced up and found him on group FaceTime with Nat and his parents.

'Meet Grayson Jackson.' Nat said as David pointed the camera to their baby boy in the cot.

'He's adorable.' We all cooed. 'Congratulations.'

'Grayson do a big poo on your mummy from me.' Brad said as Nat lifted him and held him in her arms.

'Brad!' Both Nat, Anne Marie and I scolded him as I gently hit his arm.

After a while we all hung up as Nat had to feed Grayson and their parents left to drive up to London.

'He's such a cutie.' I pouted at Brad.

'Don't you be getting broody when we go see him.' He croaked in his morning voice.

'Do you not want a baby with me?' I teased him as I faked a hurt expression.

'You know I want a baby with you.' He whispered as he pulled me onto his chest. 'I love you.'

He moved my face with his hand so his lips could me mine making a smile form on my face.

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