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I woke up and took in my surroundings. A smile took over my expression as I realised I was in Amsterdam with Brad.

His fingers ran up and down my arm as his other hand played with my hair.

'Morning.' He croaked, pressing a kiss to my shoulder.

I turned my body to face him, moving the curls from his forehead before leaving a kiss on his lips.

'Morning handsome.' He smiled, shuffling closer to me.

His thumb caressed my cheek as my fingers began to trace shapes along his torso. I had missed moments like this with him.

'What's the plan for today?' I asked him as I moved his curls from his forehead so I had a clear view of his eyes.

'It's up to you.' He smiled. 'We could get ready for the day and go for brunch then see where the day takes us?'

I nodded in agreement. 'I'm just excited to spend time with you.'

'I had been counting down the days.' He grinned leaving a kiss to my nose.

We spent a bit more time cuddling in bed before we decided it was time to get dressed and ready for the day.

After we were showered and dressed I quickly put some natural makeup on then we were ready to go.

I stood trying to get a nice picture in the mirror as Brad put his shoes on.

Taking a video Brad suddenly appeared next to me and put his hand on my face, turning my head for a kiss before he put his hands on my waist.

'You look amazing.' He said before pulling me in for a hug with his chin resting on my head.

'I love you.' I mumbled into his chest.

'I love you.' He grinned as he pulled away and looked at me.

What I didn't realise is that I caught the whole thing on video.

I saved it before putting my phone in my bag.

'Are we ready?' I asked as I turned to find Brad looking at himself in the mirror as per usual.

'I want a photo with my sexy girl.' He grumbled as he pulled me closer to him.

He put his phone up and took a few selfies of the two of us. It always made my heart swell when he was the one wanting to document our relationship.

Taking my hand in his he led me down the streets of Amsterdam as we talked more about his time he had spent away.

'And then there was this sick piece of art! Grace you would've loved it!' He continued to express his excitement for the Louvre Museum in Paris he and James had visited.

'That's on my bucket list!' I joined in his excitement.

'Paris can be our next get away.' He turned to me with a small smile before he quickly placed a kiss to my forehead.

We had spent a few hours exploring Amsterdam then we went back to the hotel to chill for a while before we went for dinner and drinks with Con and Lucy.

Apparently the boys had a surprise dinner booked for Lucy and I so we had no idea where they were taking us.

'Babe which one?' I asked him as I held up a black mid thigh dress and a longer black dress that ended just below my knee with a leopard print bodysuit under it.

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