41: Safer for Chioma

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Chioma waked into the office a couple of hours later. Josephine followed, pointing at several things as they advanced. Osa's eyes refused to stay on his computer as he stared at Chioma and Josephine. He wondered if his reservation towards Chioma had to do with the fact that she raised some bad feelings within him or the fact that she had scorned him and broke his heart.

He cleared his throat. None of them gave him any attention as they flittered around his office. He set his pen on the notebook and relaxed into his chair, saying, "It is considered rude to enter someone's office without proper greetings."

Josephine turned towards him, folding her arms. "Sir, as you can see, this is the new executive secretary. I am showing her around and defining duties.'

"I'm trying to work and both of you," He glanced from one woman to another. "are distracting me."

If Chioma cared about his words, she didn't show it. Josephine, however, narrowed her eyes at him, "According to your CV, one of your skills is working in a high pressured environment."

"I'm not being pressured, I'm being distracted. As the Human Resources Manager, you are supposed to ensure that everyone has a convenient environment to work in and to the best of my knowledge, you've failed at doing that." He stated.

"Well, I'm doing my job by making this place safer for Chioma. Isn't that right?"

"Thank you Josephine. I'll be able to handle it from here. And if I have any issues, I'll be sure to let you know." Chioma nodded at Josephine. Josephine smiled before leaving the office.

Chioma took her time to walk to the red leather chairs that faced his table. She dropped her black handbag on the desk and settled into the chair and continued to type.

"Won't you say anything?

"What do you want me to say?"

"Something like, congratulations Chioma. I look forward to working with you." She beamed at him.

"First of all, I don't look forward to working with you. Secondly, I believe we had enough of congratulations yesterday."

"I heard you were the devil holding back my appointment. Why can't you be happy for me? She placed her palms on his table. His eyes strayed from his work but he forced himself to focus on thee screen. "Don't you have anything to say?"

"I believe you have work of do. You are not employed to take out your personal grievances on me."

"Oh please," She rolled her eyes. "If you had acted professionally, I would have gotten this job weeks ago. I was right to leave you when I did. Left to you, I would still be living in a stagnant hole in Benin."

"Do I need to remind you hat I am your boss and you are supposed to be working? He scrolled down the page before turning to her.

"Well, I'll let you know that I am prepared to act professionally." She picked up her bag and rose to her feet. "I believe you are working on last years report. You've been working on it for two months now."

He detected a hint of sarcasm in her voice but choose to ignore it. His relationship with her would be strictly professional. That much he was ready to gamble his life on.

"Yes. The old manager muddled up the funds and assigned loans to the wrong people so I have to manually find out who actually received a loan and how much the person is owing. That is, if he actually gave out the loan. He squandered far more than we had originally estimated." Osa explained.

"What do you need me to do?"

"It's simple. Take these files," He slapped his fingers against the knee high pile beside his desk. "Check them to find out who received a loan then check the systems directory to see if they have paid back or are paying. Write down their contact details and collateral."

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