23: Mama's House

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(The quoted words in Italics are spoken in Edo language.)

Mama was already waiting for him when the cab stopped beside the small bungalow he had grown up in. He took a deep breath of the clean air that testified of the presence of the trees on the compound.

Although he had insisted several times, that mama vacate the house and live in the bungalow he had built in the town. She refused to take him up on that offer, often insisting that she would remain in her late husband's house. After all, the man had built the house with his own sweat and muscles.

"Mama." A genuine smile lit up his face. It was not the one that had sat on his face while he had endured his trip to Benin with Kemi at his side. The worst part of the journey was the drive from the airport to the house. Kemi had been dishing out absurd rules for him to follow on their visit.

"I was starting to think you wouldn't come," Mama spoke in Edo.

"I just had some work to do," Osa replied in the same language.

"Mama, good morning." Kemi genuflected beside mama but Osa watched his mother walk away without a word. Kemi's eyes met his as she straightened up, running her palm over her flower patterned dress. Her eyes flashed and seemed to dare him to take some action.

He pulled his eyes away unable to forget what had happened the time mama had slapped Kemi. He was certain that in due time, Kemi would let her anger spew out. He didn't know how he would deal with it. He would just have to try to diffuse whatever would cause mama's bomb to detonate. That was what he planned to achieve with this trip. He would have a heart to heart with mama about her attitude towards Kemi.

Osa nodded at Kemi to let her know that he had  seen the exchange. She went back to the car and packed mama's box out along with some provisions.

"Give her her things and let's be on our way." Kemi eyed Osa as she cast the yellow shopping bag, filled with provisions, into his hand.

"Just give me a few minutes, Okay," He said. She sighed, standing on her toes and leaning towards his lips. She placed a quick kiss on his lips before stepping away.

"I love you," She said and walked back to the cab, taking her seat at the back.

Osa gathered mama's things and walked over the red earth that led to the small concrete stairs in front of mama's house. A low brick wall surrounded the compound and a single Odara tree stood by the right. He took another breath to fill his lungs with the scent of home.

*African Star fruit*

"Are you not going to come inside?" Mama asked from behind the net-like door. He hurried inside noting the little changes mama had made since his last visit. The flat screen television was still perched on the old glass TV stand. The wooden table where he had spent most nights reading was still at its unchanging spot in the middle of the small living room but there was a beaded vase on the table with fake flowers peeking out of it. "What about your wife?"

Osa thought of how to explain Kemi's insistence to avoid staying in the same room with mama. "She's feeling sick."

"And is staying under the sun supposed to help?" Mama pointed out, settling into the large sofa that faced the net door. The sofa was brown and worn with years of use. He couldn't remember a time when mama was not sitting on that chair. Even when he had added the dark green leather couch to the living room. She insisted that the brown couch was hers. That was mama, a strong headed woman unwilling to change or compromise.

"It's even better that's she's staying there. At least, she won't disturb us "

At that moment, a young voluptuous body catered for by a simple pleated blue dress entered the living room from the narrow passageway that had doors branching off to the bedroom and kitchen. In her hands, there was a large tray; a pedestal for two plates covered by two round ceramic soup bowls. She set the tray on the table and walked out of the room.

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