50: Man-In-Charge

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Osa's eyes flew open when Chioma said something. He sat up quickly, rubbing the sleep from his heavy eyes. All he wanted was one more minute of sleep. Playing the 'avoid-Kemi' game was starting to cost him a lot more than sleep. He had almost hit a car this morning, stepping on his brake at the last moment. His opened water tumbler fell out of the cup holder and splashed water on the floor, his pants and on the seats.

"I wasn't sleeping."

Chioma shot him a dirty look. He deserved it for keeping both of them up until late into the night.

"Of course, sir. Should I top up your coffee?"

"No. Hand me the next file."

The moment she left, he allowed his head to loll against the leather chair as his eyelids covered his eyes. Even if it would just be for a few seconds. He needed a little rest. Something that had clearly eluded him since going to visit Mama.

The door to his office sprung open and he sat up. He could not give Chioma the wrong impression. He did not want her to have a reason to gloat but, she wasn't the one that stood by the door. It was Dennis, his friend from secondary school.

"Ha, na you be this?" Dennis smiled then walked into the room.

"Yes. What are you doing here?"

Even though Dennis was someone he had drank with, he did not want to encourage lasciviousness in his life and Dennis was the patron of such sins.

"Relax, my man. Here, I was thinking that I would have a difficult time but my best friend is here."

Dennis waved off his security men as he leaned on his white walking stick. Light glistened on the huge rings around Dennis' fingers. Some of them were clear like a diamond. One of them had a purple jewel that matched the rest of his two piece outfit.

"I'm just surprised to see you here."

"Me too. The twists of life."

"But how exactly did you find me?"

"I did not know it was you. Tomison directed me to this bank, telling me the bank manager could help me and that he had already called ahead."

"That's you?"

One of the bank managers in the branches he managed had told him to expect a visit from a high profile client but he hadn't expected the client to come in so early. Osa stared at his wrist watch. It was half past eleven. Maybe he was the problem because time passed faster during his nap sprints.

"Yes. And it's good that you are the Man-in-charge. Things will be faster."

There was a scream at the door and next thing Osa knew, Chioma dove towards Dennis, hugging the life out of him.

"Who is this that wants to kill me?" Dennis tapped Chioma's hand.

"It's okay. You can leave him." Osa had to add when Chioma still didn't let their high profile client go. "There is a way to behave in a professional setting, Chioma."

"I'm sorry." Chioma gave Dennis a genuine smile.

"Chioma?" Dennis dropped his walking stick and rubbed his eyes. "Are my eyes deceiving me?"

"No. It's me." She moved in for another hug,

Dennis rose, putting a hand in front of him, turning to Osa with a questioning look. "I thought you said you married another woman?"

"I did." Osa turned Kemi's framed photograph towards Dennis' to view.

"Then what is going on here?"

"She's my—"

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