Chapter 8

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You heard your knock on the door, the sound like a ringing in your ear as your head buzzed. A small voice came from inside, "Come in." You held your breath and opened the door. Emily sat on her bed a long pink nightgown draped over her shoulders, her hands filled with papers, she quickly brushed them aside when she saw you come in.

    "Emily.." you sat on the edge of her bed. "We have a lot to talk about." She looked at you curiously but nodded.

You both talked for hours, both of you crying multiple times and laughing a few. All of your pain felt like it was being lifted off of your shoulders; all your emotions that had been hidden for years were finally able to show themselves and you felt so much better after you had finished the long train wreck of a story you called your life. She sat back and you let out a long sigh. "I think that's it." You said chuckling a little.

   "Y/n..I really am sorry. If I had known you-" you stopped her.
   "I already told you, it's not your fault you don't need to apologize." She nodded

   "I know...but I still feel like I should have known." You thought about that for a moment, what would have happened if she ever did find out? You pushed away the thought and shrugged.

   "Well in your defense, we don't look that much alike." She smiled, while she truly fit the picture of princess you felt that you most certainly did not.
(PSA: you guys are beautiful! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise no matter what you look like! I love you guys❤️❤️❤️) She took your hand,

   "I will be here with you, always. Even if I'm not queen." She gave you a reassuring nod and you gave a small smile but it soon faded away. You didn't want to be queen, and you still hadn't told her about Thor.
   "Emily, there's something else..." she tilted her head back and laughed.

   "Well it can't be any worse than what has happened so far."

    "I was speaking with Frigga and Odin earlier," her eyes widened slightly. "and they want me to marry Thor." Her grip on your hand loosened her bright blue eyes growing dark.

"Oh..." she looked away from you. "That's a great opportunity for you." Her words were forced and quiet.

   You scowled, "Don't do that." She looked back at you her eyes misty with tears. "I see the way you two look at each other.." she blushed.

"I don't want to marry Thor. The only reason I need to is because of the truce between the kingdoms." You stood up pacing the room trying to think of a way to get yourself out of this. "I don't see why it just has to be me far as their concerned I never existed until today." You began to pull at the skin on your hands thinking, your sister stood up and walked over to you. "I don't want to be queen." You looked at her an almost pleading look in your eyes, she grabbed both of your hands bringing you both closer.

"I don't...I don't know what to say y/n." Her eyes were sad. "We can't do anything about this." She sighed and put her head in her hands. "You have to marry him. We can't just tell the Allfather what to do." She groaned. "And now we have dad to worry about." You walked over to her window seat and sat in it.

"What an adventurous pre-wedding get together this is." You laughed quietly and you heard her muffled giggle. "I wonder...I wonder what would have happened if they had never hid me away.." she looked up at you giving you a sad smile.

"I don't know, there's no way we'll ever know." You sighed and gazed out the window resting your head on it. You heard her shuffling in the bed. "Now. Tell me about you and Loki."
After a much needed hours alone with your sister you left to go and speak with your mom. Along the way you noticed how people were treating you differently, most servants would stop and bow or curtsy and some would even say 'Hello your majesty.' It was so strange and you weren't used to this kind of attention, so you mostly just awkwardly waved back. You entered your mothers room where she was being taken care of, by this time your fathers spell must have worn off and she is probably very confused.

When you were being locked away your mother pleaded with your father not to do it but he refused and took back any memories she had of you being her daughter. She was the only one you had left and he took her away from you. After a few years you just got used to it but it still hurt, but now...would she remember...was she under the spell for too long? There were too many what if's and you didn't have time to go through them all.

You stayed close to the door keeping a hand on the knob. "Mother?" Her long silk drapes hanging off her tall bed frame kept you from seeing her fully but you saw her silhouette sit up.
"Y/n? Is that you?" You felt the tears well up in your eyes, when was the last time she said your name?

You took some carful steps forward. "Yes mother. It's me." Your voice was quite, it was barley audible.
"Oh my gods.." her voice was almost back to the way it used to be, melodic and comforting, not drowned out and robotic like the spell had made it. "Come here.." you rushed to her bedside the tears streaming down your face, her hair was down and she had on no makeup, a simple nightgown hanging off her shoulders. Her eyes lit up when she saw you the tears evident on her face, you smiled and hugged her tightly she brought you close and ran her hands through your hair. You smiled and took deep breaths sighing into her shoulder.
   "Oh nothing, I just need to say your name." She gave a shaky sigh "It's been too long." She broke the hug and held your face in her hands. "I'm so sorry   y/n. I was told everything." You smiled sadly and fiddled with your hands.

   "There's nothing we can do about it now. It happened, and now we need to move on.." she eyed you, smirking a little.

   "Your so smart. And taller." She laughed and you smiled. She rubbed your cheek with her thumb. "I'll kill him. I'll kill that man." It shocked you but you shared her anger. "For what he did to you. To me, and your sister. For what he did to the kingdom. Your father will not ever see a crown again if I can help it." She let go of your face her tone changing quickly. "And I'm so excited for your coronation and wedding ceremony! Wait...have you talked to your sister." You sighed
"Yes. Yes I have. But mom...I-"

"Yes?" You didn't have the heart to tell her, she looked so happy and you can't even remember the last time your mother smiled.

"It's nothing." You shook your head and smiled. "I just wanted to say, me too."

You both talked for and hour or two and you left feeling like you could do anything. You felt accomplished and like a weight had been lifted off your chest.

It was night fall and the sun was just about to set, so you decided to go and sit on the roof of one of the towers. After climbing all of the stairs you sat down on the warm roof, barefoot and nothing tight on. You laid back and let out a long and deep sigh, groaning a little while you stretched out. You started talking to yourself,

"That was the longest day of my life. I think it's a record, right next to the day we're I had to follow Emily around on her eighth birthday. Now that was a long day." You laughed to yourself. "Gods I needed this.." you looked up into the sky the clouds were going away and you could make out the stars already. There was a slight breeze but the air around you was warm. "It's so beautiful."
"Yes it is. Almost as beautiful as you. May I join you?"

*sorry for no interesting scenes in this one, I was kind of out of ideas😞*

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