Chapter 1

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   "Oh y/n what do you think he's like!?" She smiled. "Do you think he will be handsome?" She giggled like a silly school girl. "Do you think..." you stopped listening, and your little sister continued her chatter and questions of her future husband. You rolled your eyes as you brushed her hair, she did not notice she was too busy gazing at herself. You loved your sister but you were still envious of her, she had what you were supposed to have; a future, a life outside the palace, and a throne. "What's wrong y/n" you snapped back into reality when you heard your sisters voice.
   "Nothing Emily. Just lost in thought." You gave her a smile, draped her long hair over her shoulders and put your face next to hers to look at her in the mirror. "You look beautiful, I'm sure Thor is going to love you." You winked at her and she giggled.
   "Thanks y/n. For everything." You smiled but you were trying not to cry because not even your own sister knew you were related. "I hope your own prince comes to sweep you off your feet one day." She got up and cupped your face with her hands a big sad smile on her face tears in her eyes. "I'm going to miss you you've been a wonderful hand-maiden. You were like a sister to me." Your heart began to ache. Tears weld up in your eyes.
   "Now, now, there is no need to cry." You tried your best to perk up. You laughed and wiped your eyes. "It will mess up your makeup." She laughed and patted her eyes with her handkerchief, "besides it is not quite time for goodbyes, we have a whole month of celebrations for you..and the two kingdoms." You smiled.
   "Yes, I'm ever so excited! Do you think there here yet?" She turned her head to the door a big smile on her face.
   "I don't know, your highness but you do need to get to the throne room. Are you ready?" You raised an eyebrow.
    "I think so. Let's go, I'm excited to meet my fiancé." She smiled at you and gave you a reassuring nod.
   "Ok then let us go." You opened the doors of her room and you both started towards the throne room.

   "You're late." Your father scowled down at you from his throne.
   "My many apologies, your majesty. But the princess was still getting ready." You gave a low curtsy and bowed your head trying hard to hide your sarcasm. You were not allowed to call him father.
   "That is no excuse! You should have my daughter read-!" He was interrupted by the grand duke bursting in through the doors.
   "You highness! The king and queen of Asgard have arrived." He gave a quick bow.
   "Oh...well send them in. Quickly! Go now!" The duke gave another bow and headed out the doors. You turned to your sister.
   "Stand here, princess." You pointed to a spot in the middle of the stair case and she walked and stood elegantly and gracefully. You had to admit, she was a better stereotypical princess than you could ever be. You placed yourself behind her and at her side. 'Like a hand-maiden should.' You thought to yourself quoting your mother, who was sitting behind you on the left of your father, silent and stone faced like always. You were lost in your thoughts when everyone heard a knock on the door making them jump, you straightened yourself preparing to stand in one place for what was going to feel like hours. When the doors opened.

   The king came first he was dressed in golden robes and held a bright staff in his hand. He had a white beard and a golden eyepatch over one of his eyes. He walked in a tall and confident manner, with a cold look on his face. The grand duke spoke loudly to announce there arrivals
   Next came the queen. She was absolutely lovely, her hair was up and was being held by a beautiful golden crown, she wore a white silky dress with a golden band around the waist. Her hands folded elegantly in front of her. She had a soft smile on her face that was actually genuine, nothing like your mother's fake smile.
  Then there was Thor. He had long blond hair and sparkling white teeth. He had a huge grin on his face like he had just been laughing. He wore silver attire with a long red cape.
   He stood closest to us and blew a kiss to Emily. You glanced at her, she was blushing and was quietly giggling, you smiled softly. You thought it was over and it was time for greetings, but you were wrong, another person walked in. You gave a quiet gasp, he was very handsome, he had black hair that went just below his ears, his face looked like it was carved from marble, he looked very bored like he didn't want to be here. (you couldn't blame him) He looked nothing like his family, if they were his family, he could be a servant, like you, but he wasn't dressed like it. He wore black, green and gold  leather clothing and it fitted him perfectly; noting like what a servant would wear; what you were forced to wear. That's when the duke announced him,
   "LOKI, ODINSON. PRINCE OF ASGARD." You froze 'prince? As in, Thor's brother? I didn't know Thor had a brother?!' Your mind was racing, filled with questions.
   He walked in slowly and placed himself on the side of his brother looking at nothing in particular, you watched as he glanced at Emily and at your mother and father, then his eyes rested on you. You felt as the heat rose up the sides of your neck warming your cheeks. You didn't break eye contact, and he didn't either, you both stared at each other and you felt like you were in paradise. You saw a small smirk grow on his face and you looked away your face bright red. Your father began to speak.
   "Allfather!" He stood and bowed "we welcome you to our palace. I hope you and your family feel welcome and at home, here in our palace." You rolled your eyes, he was so full of it. "My daughter," he rose his hand and gestured to Emily. "Emily, is thrilled to be uniting our kingdoms by marring your son." Your sister curtsied bowing her head she stood back up and rose her head slightly looking proud of qherself, you saw Thor wink at her and she smiled. "I'm sure you are as excited as I for the month worth of celebrations to come." Your father walked down the steps a big smile on his face towards the Allfather, but Odin did not seem impressed.
"Of course." He said this very stiffly and Frigga came to his side.
"Yes! Of course, we are very excited. After all your daughter is marrying our son and going to be ruling by his side." She said this very proudly, and everyone had very different reactions. You saw as Thor bowed to your father a grin still on his face, your sister blushed, Odin put on what you thought could be a smile, your mother was now beside your father, but you weren't sure if she even knew what was going on. You and Loki both rolled your eyes and made eye contact again this time you gave him a small smile, and you could have swore he winked at you. You blushed and looked back to the boring conversation thinking of the prince wondering when this torture would be over.

That was 2 hours of your life wasted. You finally had time off to go in your room and have time to yourself. You had stood the whole time and your feet were killing you, but there was one good thing that came out of it. Loki. You only had gotten to look at him but that was all you needed, you still had one question come you didn't know Thor had a brother? You got into your nightgown laying on your bed your head still racing with questions; but your eyelids grew heavy and you only could think of Loki smiling at you as you drifted off to sleep.

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