Chapter 3

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You were still flustered from the moments before when you arrived at the princesses door. You took a deep breath and knocked. "Princess..." she answered this time.
"Yes, come in." You opened the door and let out a sigh of relief when you saw there was no naked man in the bed. Your sister was sitting at her vanity, she was dressed in a lilac colored robe and held a silver brush in her hand she looked at you a look of concern on her face. "I hope you're not still in shock from...ummm...this morning." Her cheeks grew red and she turned back to her mirror brushing her hair.
"Oh's fine your highness..I umm...there is no need to be embarrassed." You started to twirl your fingers together. When she started to cry putting her head in her hands, you rushed towards her putting a hand on her back. "Emily what is the matter!" You let out a low grumble this is going to take awhile.
"I-I-I cannot b-believe I did that!" She looked up at you her eyes bloodshot and filled with tears. "It's forbidden! I was to be a virgin till marriage!" She sobbed.
"Oh's not that bad. I mean you are marrying the guy in a few days." She wiped her nose sniffling. "And isn't it a good thing that you two made a connection, and he's not a complete jerk." You looked at her, she was a complete mess.
"I..I guess you're right.." she wiped her eyes
"And it's not like anyone is going to know. So let's wipe away the tears, and get you ready for the mascaraed ball!" You gave her a smile.
"I CANT GO TO THE BALL NOW!" She got up sobbing and ran to her bed flopping down, her face buried in the blankets. You groaned you had to sort this out or you were not going to have enough time to get yourself ready.

It took you two hours but you had finally convinced her that her "meeting" with Thor was nothing to get upset about and she should go to the ball. In the end it took her most of that time to get her ready. She was now in her dress and mask and you were working on her hair, she was a peacock so her dress was a royal blue at the top and peacock feathers with glittering jewels surrounded the bottom. Her mask was blue and green and had two plumes of purple feathers coming out from either side. You had decided to put her hair in a bun with one of her many diamond tiaras in the center. She looked stunning, she made your outfit look like a long robe you stole from her bathroom. You sighed
"You look exquisite princess, it is time to go to the ballroom." She smiled at her self in the mirror and got up and walked to the door she stood with her hands folded in front of her waiting for you. You opened the door and lead her to the ballroom. "Sorry princess I must leave you hear, but Patrick is here to tend to your needs." You motioned towards a tall man who was ordering more servants around. She nodded  and thanked you.

   When you entered your room you  let out a long groan and fell back onto your bed and ran your hands through your hair trying to make sense of what happened earlier with Loki, you blushed thinking of the events. You weren't even sure it actually happened you were so in shock, but you do remember his finger grazing across your lip, you brought your hand to we're he touched you and smiled. You remembered his voice so gentle but so commanding at the same time. He made you feel alive and all tingly inside, and your insides filled with butterflies just at the thought of him dancing with you. You sat up, you had to start getting ready if you were going to be there in time; you slipped on your long black dress and heels and then sat down in front of your mirror to do your hair and makeup. You styled your hair to your liking and put on your mask on carefully so as to not mess up the makeup you had just finished. You stood up and looked at yourself in the mirror, a weak smile sat upon your lips, it was not as grand as you had hoped but it was all you had. The necklace was the final piece, you put it on and looked at it in the mirror twirling it between your fingers. You began to cheer yourself up thinking of the lovely evening you were going to have, your mind drifted, your thoughts traveling to a romantic setting of you and Loki dancing in a garden the moonlight making his eyes sparkle and he leaned down just about to kiss you when your thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.
   You sighed taking off your mask placing it on your dresser, who needed you now. You opened the door and your eyes widened, Thor was standing in front of you but he was not looking at you his eyes seemed to be unfocused and you weren't even sure he knew you opened the door. You cleared your throat and spoke.
   "Umm your highness?" He shook his head and looked at you, his face looked sad.
  "Sorry, are you y/n, Emily's hand-maiden?" You nodded
    "Yes." You gave a small smile to be polite
   "Oh, Good!" He let out a sigh of relief "I've been looking for you everywhere!" You raised an eyebrow and he ran a hand through his hair. "Listen, I have some bad news." You looked back up at him his face looked worried. "I slept with the princess." He looked at you waiting for you to gasp in shock, when you didn't he looked surprised and raised an eyebrow.
   "I know your highness. I came in this morning to give the princess her breakfast and you were still in bed with her." You tried not to roll your eyes.
   "Oh..." a look of embarrassment appeared on his face. "Well my father has found out." 'Oh no' you thought you began to worry for your sister. "And he is not letting me go to dance with her, so could you tell her I will not see her tonight." He looked at you concerned
    "Of course your highness." You kept a blank look on your face and curtsied.
   "Thank you." And at that he turned away and left. You closed your door and gave a loud sigh
   "What a mess." But you would have to tackle that later you wanted to have a good time tonight. You grabbed your mask from the dresser and headed out the door excited for the night to come.

   By the time you arrived there was already so many people there dancing and drinking you began to grow nervous. You entered through the back doors to not draw to much attention to yourself, but once you were there your nerves melted, a huge smile grew on your face. You heard the music play in the background, you watched as the couples danced with grace and beauty, a beautiful chandelier made the ladies dresses sparkle and the men's eyes glow. First you had to tell Emily about Thor and then you could finally start your night of freedom. You spotted her at the center of the ballroom dancing with a ginger headed commoner, a beaming smile showing off her pearly whites. The dance ended and the commoner bowed and left her side she smiled softly glancing towards the king who looked very uncomfortable. You approached her swiftly and quickly.
"Your highness?" She jumped
"Oh! Oh y/ is only you." She fixed her hair with her gloved hands. "Yes?" Through her mask you could see her raise an eyebrow up at you she looked frazzled, she was obviously concerned on why the prince was not here.
"Um...I have some bad news.." your fingers began to twirl. She sighed
"Well, out with it. It cannot be worse then this day I am having." She ran her hands down her dress flatting it and then looked back at you with desperation in her eyes. You felt sorry for her you were about to give her the worst news. You bent down and whispered in her ear.
"Thor is not coming. His father has found out." You braced yourself for a scream but nothing came, you looked back at your sister. Her face was pale as snow, a blank expression plastered on her face. You began to speak again,
"Your highn-" but she stopped you mid-sentence.
"I think. I will be heading to bed now." Her voice was not delicate and soft as usual, it was hard and dangerous. You nodded your head and quickly lead her out of the room, eyes followed you both and your father did not look happy.

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