"Not so fast~"

Before I continuously stab the monster countless times until it became a chunk of
Unrecognisable gore.




This feels good! Killing this little shit!!!
Level up: 1 to 4
Oh? A level up message? Haha...nice

And just like that, my body can't hold out anymore and it collapses onto the floor in pain.

{Anonymous} smiles at your fearlessness towards death.

+10 Coins
+1 Exile Key
{Anonymous} is delightful of your fearless kill

+20 coins
+1 Hexa Sword
+1 Zombie's Arm

... What? Haha... So now it's like a rip-off of the omniscient reader's viewpoint...

Wow... What a creative dream...

You know, it's like telling your friend you want to copy something from their homework but you change it up a little.

How stupid...


You currently have 16 viewers watching you.

16 viewers? What is this? YouTube? What am I? Entertainment?... Well, I don't care.


I can feel my vision blurring away. The pain doesn't bother me.

The only thing that bothers me is all these pathetic panels that keep popping up.

{Anonymous} offers a donation.

-A Legendary Grade Skill

Will you accept it?




Heh. This seems so suspicious but why not? I am going to die anyway, might as well do it.

I accepted it and I immediately felt an unpleasant feeling. It feels as if something is growing inside me, not in a good way. Like the plant is somehow growing from my stomach or somewhere and is forcing its way out.

As this feeling persists, I see an unnatural thing happen. My skin is growing back and covering my wound at an extreme speed. Soon, it seemed as though I didn't have 6 holes in my torso at all.

The unpleasant feeling slowly subsides and my status panel pops up.

Title: none
Exp:23/209 to next level

Atk: 10
Def: 5
Spd: 20
Luck: 10
(You have 20 free stats to distribute)

Critical rate: 1%
Life steal: 0%
Penetration: 0%

Magic knowledge: 0%
Mana: 0%

-Apocalyptic Vision


Apocalyptic Vision.

What is that? Is that a legendary skill?
... My gamer's instinct is urging me to check it out. Why not?

-Apocalyptic Vision(lvl: 1)
(Legendary Grade)

{the eyes of the future by the gods are blessed to you.}

The ability to see the future.

You can currently look 20 minutes into the future.

Look into the future?
Is this for real?

How do I activate it? Do I just desire to activate it-

I suddenly felt an "impact" and my vision drifted away into a distant land.



I see myself? Is that me? I can see myself sitting in the same position I sat at just now.

It feels like I'm a ghost spectating from a corner...

Suddenly, the house foundation collapses and I was buried underneath.


I suddenly felt like I was being sucked back in and I was back to my body.


I quickly got up and run out of the house. A few seconds later, the house did collapse but I wasn't buried underneath this time.


It happened! That Apocalyptic vision... Is real?

I check the skill again.
Apocalyptic Vision (lvl 1)
Cooldown: 23 hours 59 minutes

The cooldown is 1 day? What the?! If this is a game, this legendary skill would be shitty.


I have no choice but to accept it, this skill is real. The reality I am in right now is real... And I am... Alive.


Those bastards... They are supplying me with all these goodies and even saved me... Are they enjoying my struggling? Or do they just simply want some entertainment since probably almost every human is dead?




Yeah, I don't care if I live or die. There isn't any reason for me to live too.

I am not someone who has a deep obsession with revenge. In fact, I already avenged my family's death, I killed that thin bastard after all.


{Anonymous} smiles at your realistic thinking.

He urges you to commit suicide.



You know what? No.

Since I'm going to die anyway, I might as well go out with a bang.

Dying by killing myself... Is not my style.


How about I kill every single one of you bastards "watching" over me before I die. How about that?
{Anonymous} is delighted at your response.

{Anonymous} is amazed.

{Anonymous} is looking down on you, smirking.

{Anonymous} is curious as to how far you will go.

{Anonymous} subscribed to you.

Congratulations, human.

Your first subscriber allows his identity to be revealed to you:
Grim Reaper

Grim Reaper? Hahaha...

Sure... Watch me as much as you want. I'm just a bastard who lost his will to live. I'm just setting my goal a bit high you see...

As I thought of that, I brush the dirt off my shirt and went into the city, infested with monsters.

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 31, 2021 ⏰

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