Flying into pain

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The snow covered the trees like a white blanket that hid the forest from up above between the stormy clouds. Cabrena was silently crying, trying her damn hardest to not make any sound that would wake the sleeping baby. She was gliding through the clouds like it was second nature to her, dodging tree tops and passing through darkened, winter clouds. Her white wings fluttered softly through the frosty wind along her long hair that flowed in sync with her feathers. She couldn't believe that she had failed to protect the man that was once the baby's father, couldn't stop a group of vampires that wanted nothing more than bloodshed.

Her sorrow and regret danced in her mournful mind, plaguing her with insecurity and disgust for not being able to do her job properly. Blinking slowly, Mark woke up to something wet on his cheek and his doe eyes watched the woman cry. He didn't know why the pretty lady was crying or why he was with her and not his father, but he didn't want to see the lady cry so he cooed and gurgled at her hoping to make her smile.

The angel looked down at the fragile child as he cooed and giggled at her, smiling brightly, Cabrena wiped her tears from her cheeks and proceeded to tickle Mark's belly only to hear him laugh loudly at the feeling. She felt a warmth blossom in her chest at the sound of the babies laughter. She smiled softly at the child promising to herself that she would protect Mark with her life.

On the ground below the flying angel, were vampires quietly following the angel that took the human child. They could hear its heartbeat and the sound of the baby laughing had them grinning from ear to ear. They were on a mission to capture the baby as soon as possible by any means necessary, they couldn't afford to lose a human especially a child as those are extremely rare to find. They hadn't seen one in centuries, since most of the human population was scattered at best and at worst almost extinct. The leader of the group gave a hand signal to his henchmen ordering them silently to climb up the trees. From the group 4 vampires separated and jumped up onto the tall trees.

Running after the angel, the vampires were leaping from the treetops without making a sound as to not alert the angel. The group on the ground floor quickly set up a special net that was pointed directly at the angel, waiting for the signal. Suddenly, the 4 vampires jumped from the trees trying to grab the angel and bring them down as quickly as possible. Cabrena shrieked as she tried to dodge the oncoming vampires, but one of the Vampire's managed to grab her left wing making her tilt to the side.

Cabrena desperately tried to shake off the vampire but it was too late. The vampire brought Cabrena down enough for the group bellow to have a clear shot on her. Cabrena screamed in pain as the net wrapped around her tightly searing her flesh and blocking her magical powers, she quickly curled around Mark not wanting him to be hurt from the searing net. The angel crashed onto the ground with a thud her screams echoed with Mark's crying accompaning her screams. The group quickly pulled on the net to secure it around the angel so it would not escape, as they hastily pulled the net onto a jeep they had hidden in the forest. The black jeep was old with scratches on its hood and a broken window that had pieces of glass poking out menacingly, the jeep had a metal hoop in the back that was connected to a set of chains designed to keep something trapped there.

Cabrena cried softly as she held Mark close to her chest, desperately trying to calm him down afraid that it would piss off one of the vampires. She wrapped herself and Mark with her wings that had scorched feathers and singed skin, the angel thought of trying to use a spell or magic to get out but nothing worked.

Mark was silently crying for his shoulder was bruised from the crash, his cheek was slightly burned from the burning net. Tears trickled down his chubby cheeks stinging his wound, and hiccuping from the sobs that racked his fragile body. Cabrena quickly wiped Mark's tears away using her energy to use a healing spell on the baby. Chanting in a different language, Cabrena conjured runes that glowed a bright white and hovered above Mark. Mark was stunned by this display entranced completely by its beauty, as the runes softly sung him to sleep like a lullaby while healing his wounds instantly. Mark closed his eyes peacefully resting his head on Cabrena's chest, while she soflty smiled at him happy that she still could heal him. His soft snores warmed her, arms rocking him closely to her chest.

Chanting quietly to herself, Cabrena placed on Mark's forehead a shining white symbol that looked like an omega sign. The sign glowed brightly until it disappeared completely beneath Mark's skin, marking him with a protection spell that would cast a shield when he feels threatened.

The vampires talked amongst themselves, relieved to have gotten the human without killing it. The group leader started the van heading towards Vampirio the biggest vampire city in America. It now resides where New York once were, the Vampire's claiming it after the defeat of the human's. Trees rustled in the cold wind and the vampires embraced the coldness of the air and the darkness of the sky. Sunlight was highly dangerous to vampires, as prolonged exposure caused 3rd degree burns and if they stayed for more than an hour they would burst into flames.

Cabrena knew of their weakness so with the last energy in her body she cast a scorching ray of sunlight out of her hands, burning the net to make a hole big enough for her to escape. Screaching loudly the Vampire's ducked down to avoid the beam that would burn them to a crisp, which allowed Cabrena a few precious seconds to escape into the forest. She ran for her life through the dense woods holding Mark tightly to her body.

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