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In 3168, a boy was born to a poor, human family. In a world filled with creatures that used to be fantasies:merfolk, fairies, harpies, werewolves, witches, ghouls, and the most powerful of them all, vampires and angels. Humanity succumbed harshly to the new creatures that dominated over humans for centuries, except for a few special  cases were humans either worked for the magical beings or were slaves to them. Human populations decreased drastically from 8 billion strong to a measly 1,000 known to still exist. There numbers dropped like flies once they realised that the majority of the creatures either ate humans for sustenance, or for magical sacrifices and spells. A human birth was a rarity in this ages since the majority of humans were separated or captured by their magical counterparts.

The humans who mamaged to have a child were in a perilous situation, they were being hunted down by a group of vampires. The female was already having trouble running from the beings, since she barely gave birth to her son a day before they were being chased. Thankfully the baby only silently cried as his parents ran through the thick woods only a silent whimper sounded when he was jolted, reassuring his parents that he had a voice. The father ran with the baby held tightly to his chest and the mother staggering right behind him. He wouldn't let his family be captured by those hungry monsters when he just got his son not a day ago. He couldn't imagine what those beasts would do to him, his wife, and his fragile son. He ran faster at the thought of his family being eaten by those monsters. His wife staggered to catch up to him still weakened from the recent birth of her beautiful baby boy. They ran passing by trees and shrubs as quietly as possible, not wanting to alert the monsters to their location. They knew if they made even the slightest sound they could be dead and they were extremly concerned about the baby's noises.

The mother tried and tried to keep up, but her tired body couldn't handle the stress any longer and she collapsed on the ground, panting heavily for the cold winter air. The father immediately turned around to try to get to her wife, but she screamed to him.

"GO, GO DON'T STOP WE CAN'T LOSE HIM! Please take him and keep him safe, promise me." Her last words were heard by him before the rapidly approaching footsteps of a band of vampires echoed trough the forest.

"I promise to keep him safe." The father solemnly said before sprinting away into the woods, hearing his wife's screams as he hid behind an oak tree to catch his breath. Silent tears slipped from his eyes, waking up the baby who was silently sleeping in his pale arms. The baby looked at his father with saddened, cocoa-brown eyes tears streaming down his soft cheeks and quiet sniffles sounding from his small nose. The father quickly wiped his tears and tried calming his son down, shushing him up with comforting words in his small ear. The baby calmed down from crying, but he still looked sad while clinging to his father's worn vest. His father smiled at his son happy to at least have his child with him, he brushed the tears that stained his son's cheeks. The father softly whispered in his child's ear." Your name is Mark Edward Fischbach, you are half Korean and half German, and you are the son that I and your mother will always love". That's the last thing that he will hear from his father for forever.

Mark didn't understand the words, but he will remeber them. He sleepily rested his head on his father's chest snuggling in his brown, torn shirt. The father wrapped his son in his vest for extra warmth since it was winter and he started running again through the thick woods. He sprinted through the trees listening for any footsteps to ensure that they were not being chased. The forest grew dark and cold as the night slowly stretched over the cloudy sky. The father started shivering from the cold air and started to pale at the falling sun.

"No no no no no no!!! We can't stay in the woods during night time its too cold and dangerous, since the vampires are nocturnal." The father mumbled to himself as he kept his son tightly to his chest, afraid that his son will get sick from the cold. As he continued his way through the dense forest Mark started shivering and whining and clinging to his father's vest. The father tried to warm up Mark, but it didn't work and Mark started whining loudly. The father sprinted throught the bushes and plants trying desperately to calm Mark down before the vampires heard him.

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