
129 10 4

Kay so!.... I am blank !!-_____-

Okay I'll try

*plasters a sweet smile over my face*

I have been tagged by my lovely lovely and very dear friend Love_is_everywhere for this lovely (note the sarcasm) challenge! Which I don't know how will I do! -____-

Imma trying this for ya girl! Love_is_everywhere *sighs*

I would post a letter everyday (can't promise lol! Imma too lazy) but yeah I'll complete this challenge one day! Yeah. Lmfao! Okay so wait for my next update!

Bye! *sleeps off*

*gets up again* oh yeah the cover is made by Love_is_everywhere againnnnn! Love for that! :*

Okay bye. *sleeps off again*

P.S- my letters would be short *sighs*

30 days letter challenge! tagged again-__-Where stories live. Discover now