Chapter Two: Wiped

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Edited 7/6/2015

Chapter 2: Wiped


Guess who was standing there? If you guessed Mom and the Easter bunny, then I'm afraid you're wrong. If you guessed mom and Red-Headed Wonder Numero Dos, then you're correcta-mundo! I only spared Bridget a glance before smiling at my Mom. She wasn't fooled, not even for a second. My smile faltered and my lips started to tremble. Then I did something no one would have expected the Great Maximum Ride to do. I ran into my Mom's arms sobbed harder then I had before.

"Max. Max...what's wrong honey?" Mom asked bewildered, holding me as tightly as she could; this made me feel worse, thus creating more tears. I could barely bring myself to look at her. She looked the same, same creamy tan face, warm chocolate colored eyes, and soft butternut colored hair. She had this certain...warm motherly look in her eyes. Her concern was for me. Mom was worried about me! I couldn't help but sob into her arms. What on earth was wrong with me?

"He betrayed me," I whispered when my sobs died down enough. Admitting it out loud made me realize the reality of this nightmare. I pulled away from my Mom and tried to wipe away as many tears as I could, but they only fell harder. I cried in frustration that I couldn't stop my pathetic tears. Mom grabbed my arms and tightly held them in place so I wouldn't scratch my face off.

"Was it Fang?" Bridget asked, her voice was a tad bit over sympathetic, she must be squealing with joy on the inside. Hearing her say Fang's name, made my insides churn. Mom didn't say anything; maybe it maternal instinct or maybe it was just a girl thing; my Mom knew exactly what to do. She pulled me into her home, guided my arm so I wouldn't crash into any furniture or walls, and forced me onto her couch.

She didn't say anything. I didn't say anything. I cried an insane amount of tears in my mother's lap. I don't know how long I cried into my mother's arms; it could have been an hour, maybe two. I didn't pay attention to the stupid red-head but I knew she was shuffling around awkwardly mouthing weird signals to my mom. I wanted to growl in her direction but settled for glaring whenever she crossed my sight. I eventually pulled away from my mom's embrace, she might be a super mom to me, but even she couldn't hold a fourteen-fifteen year old girl for more than two hours.

"S-sorry," I whispered, blushing in shame and humiliation. My face felt raw and peeled away, my eyes stung like crazy. It felt like my mouth was screwed in permanent frown. But Mom didn't look at me like I was crazy or insane for crying so much over one boy.

"No Max. It's okay to cry sweetheart.'s important to cry." She whispered comfortingly. I nodded numbly at those liberating words. For all my life, tears were taboo, they were signs of weakness. I couldn't afford to be weak; I had a flock of lost, hurt, and scared children to look after. They couldn't have a leader that cried when she was frustrated or scared. No, being weak, being a girl, being just Max Ride was never an option while I was in the flock.... What on earth am I thinking? "Do you want to talk about it?"

I shook my head vehemently. Talking about feelings is girly and weak, and I, Maximum Ride, am not girly and weak. I'm a fighter, a fearless warrior and the protector of the weak. Oh hell I have no control over my thoughts what so ever. I wanted to laugh, hysterically until tears ran down my cheeks again.

"Fang...cheated on me." The words came out of like a whisper and I couldn't believe how pathetic they sounded. "I didn't think. I just...ran." I cringed on the inside.

"Here Max, this should help you feel better," Bridget had a tray of cookies and I think a mug of hot chocolate. I looked at her curiously. Since when did the red-haired she-devil have a reason to worry about me?

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