"So, care to share your thoughts?"

"Hm, just some things. What if this is just a dream? Just a phase because everything feels surreal." Jeonghan answered and ended his sentence with a sigh. He heard Seungcheol sighed and clicked his tongue.

"Do you want me to come over?" Seungcheol suggested which made Jeonghan's heart pound faster. He was curious, why would his friend come over to his house when it's already past midnight?

"Why would you do that?" Jeonghan asked out of curiosity but he did try not to sound rude.

"That was weird right? I'm sorry i shouldn't have said that." Seungcheol's voice sounded low almost like a whisper. Seungcheol slammed his head on the wall and slapped his lips with his left hand. All he did was being weird in Jeonghan's ears and eyes and the embarrassment from all of the things he had done was choking him.

Fuck, Seungcheol. You suck, Jeonghan would never like you, Seungcheol thought as he kept on slamming his head on the wall. He wants the ground to suck all the weird things that he has done and start over again. Sadly, there are no second chances.

"Stop slamming your head, I could hear it dumbass" Jeonghan scolded him and stopped. He sniffed and snuggled back to his bed and covered himself with the thick blanket. Seungcheol really wanted to come over and cuddle with Jeonghan but sadly, they were just nothing but friends.

"I'm just so weird, I'm sorry." Seungcheol pleaded

"It's okay, I mean, I don't really mind. You could come over." Jeonghan sounded calm but deep down he was excited. He wished that Seungcheol would really come over.

Hannie, don't let them play with your heart. That thing of yours is fragile.

Jisoo's mom always reminded Jeonghan that he should be careful in trusting others, that he should always be meticulous when someone's trying to enter in his life. When Jeonghan's mom left him, he was already in the care of Jisoo's mom and she was always worried of the fragile boy. They constantly kept on going inside and outside of the hospital due to Jeonghan's weak immune system and the weakest of them all, is his heart.

"So, I'll come over?" Seungcheol asked once more.

"Yeah, if you insist." Jeonghan replied

"Okay, I insist. I'll go now, I'll call you later when I'm outside." Seungcheol answered back and Jeonghan just hummed. Jeonghan then ended the call and tidied up his place. Good thing he cleaned it yesterday because he felt that his room is a pigsty and he doesn't want to hear Jisoo scolding him so he just cleaned up his room. This is what a grown man should be doing Jeonghan thought and after arranging his pillows and vacuuming the whole floor. Jisoo was confused, why is Jeonghan cleaning his room when it's already 12:30 am? Jisoo went to the kitchen to get some water when he heard the noisy vacuum cleaner. Actually he wasn't really thirsty, he just used this as an alibi to check up on Jeonghan. Good thing Jeonghan only missed few of his classes and he became so lively this past few weeks. Even when Jeonghan was just doing random things, Jisoo would sometimes catch him smiling. There's definitely someone who made Jeonghan like this and Jisoo was dead curious to find out who it was. 

Jisoo knocked for about three time on Jeonghan's door, he just stood there waiting for Jeonghan to open the door and gladly he did. Jeonghan saw Jisoo's confused face and he knew Jisoo demanded explanation and answers. Jeonghan opened the door widely gesturing Jisoo to come inside. Jisoo immediately sat on Jeonghan's comfy mattress and crossed his arms while Jeonghan sat on his swivel chair and faced Jisoo.

"So who is this person?" Jisoo asked with a grin on his face, Jeonghan looked at Jisoo and laughed. 

"It's not what you think it is." Jeonghan stated and took a pencil on his study table and played with it. Jisoo knew something was up and he was willing to wait until Jeonghan opened up to him because knowing Jisoo, he doesn't want to force Jeonghan to speak up.

"Okay, then. So who is this person?" Jisoo asked once again. Jeonghan couldn't avoid the question and there's a part inside him that wanted to tell Jisoo everything.

" Seungcheol, Choi Seungcheol." Jeonghan stated in a soft voice. Jisoo's eyes went wide and the puzzle pieces are finally in place.

" I KNEW IT! YOU HOE!" Jisoo stood up and waved his arms. Jeonghan just laughed and gestured him to sit down.

" He's coming over, is that okay?" He asked not letting go of the pencil he picked up earlier.

"Of course you silly! Just, try not to be too loud okay? I have morning classes tomorrow." Jisoo jokingly said causing Jeonghan to hit Jisoo's delicate arm.

"You dumb dumb, we're just going to talk and probably study, I guess?" 

"Yeah, right." Jisoo sarcastically answered.

"Be careful Hannie, take care of this." Jisoo hugged Jeonghan and pointed on Jeonghan's chest, he just nodded and Jisoo went out of his room. He was worried that Jeonghan might suffer again, worried that he may comeback to his old helpless state. After seeing that face, Jisoo wished he never went to the store on that day.

Seungcheol was already near, reaching out for his phone he dialed Jeonghan's number and gladly the other male picked it up.

"I'm on my way, i'll be there in 5 minutes." Seungcheol spoke and hung up. He couldn't explain how excited he is going to Jeonghan's place for the first time.

"I'm nervous" Seungcheol muttered to himself as he was slowly approaching the apartment complex of Jisoo and Jeonghan, it was just a few blocks away from the school, lucky them because Jihoon and Seungcheol's place where like miles away from the University.

He parked his car in the parking lot and went to Jeonghan's apartment. It was on the 3rd floor and luckily he got inside the elevator right on time. It was almost 1 am and he was confused, why would he come over to his friend's house when it's almost already dawn? But there's one thing he knew and he was sure of, he really wanted to see Jeonghan.

Apartment 104

Seungcheol stood infront of their doorstep and still hesitating whether to knock or just barge inside and give Jeonghan a big hug.
He took a deep breath and knocked three times, just when he was about to knock again someone opened the door revealing a sleepy Jeonghan wearing a white oversized shirt and blue pajama pants.

"Hi" Seungcheol greeted the man and he gestured him to come inside. It was a cold chilly night and Seungcheol's only wearing a black tank top under his blue hoodie and a pair of black skinny jeans.

"Jisoo's already sleeping so let's just hang out in my room." Jeonghan suggested making his way to his room. Seungcheol looked at every corner of their house and he thought that it was just simple and clean. They don't have big chandeliers and gigantic mirrors just like in Seungcheol's home. It was just a simple apartment with minimal house designs, a cute succulent was placed on the window sill with pink curtains.

As they got inside Jeonghan's room both of them were quiet and no one dared to speak a word.

"This is awkward." Jeonghan muttered to himself but Seungcheol heard it loud and clear.

"What do you want to do?" Seungcheol asked

Jeonghan just laid down on his bed and gestured Seungcheol to kay down beside him. Seungcheol was hesitant but couldn't resist Jeonghan so he just laid down beside him and stared at the ceiling above. Moments passed and nothing sexual happened, they just talked and talked and talked until they fell asleep.

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