Chapter 34. Happily Ever After

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He wanted to sink himself in a bathtub of blood and slowly drown, Theo was not ready to face his father again. Could he actually be able to point his wand at his own flesh and blood? Would he be able to be that heartless? Why is he questioning himself now, the worst time to doubt his hatred. If it was ever actually hatred.

His mind trailed back to all the beatings, insults, torments and just suffocating. But what Theo really wanted was never to kill him, or hate him. He just wanted a father, a loving parent to be there for him like every other kid. He didn't want to be alone, he wanted to be loved. That was it.

He realized his arm was bleeding from glass pieces that has fallen above his head and his eyes was watered up. He quickly healed himself and wiped his face aggressively and starting to head towards the grand staircase. He ran past death eaters and tried to be quite and slipped past them. 

After many turns and frustrated empty hopes, he ended up in his common room. He said the password he remembered and headed inside carefully, not really sure what he was planning on doing. He heard soft noises which seemed to be cries and followed the noise to his dormitory. 

And there layed on the floor was Tracey and Miles, but Miles wasn't moving. His head was on Tracey laps as she sobbed.

"What the hell happened." Theo exclaimed bending down beside Miles.

"D-death eaters, they followed us while we were trying to find Slughorn. They s-stopped us and wanted us to h-help kill some first year and we r-refused. And w-we d-didn't have t-time to react.. a-and they just struck him... r-right in the chest. H-he didn't move, h-he j-just laid there and Millicent said w-we had to run but I n-needed to get Miles s-somewhere safe a-a-a-nd-

"He didn't make it." Theo realized finishing Tracey sentence as she helplessly sobbed. He was furious but above all scared. Scared of how easily they could all just die, just like that. No goodbyes, no more hellos, no nothing. Just a pointless Sadly ever after.

"Tracey...i'm so sorry." Theo said as he reached for her shoulders that were shaking.

"He didn't deserve this, he didn't. He was pushing my to the side because it was aiming for me but it ended it hitting him in the chest." Tracey said still sobbing. 

"Listen, i'm going to find those bastards and kill them for you, for Miles and i'll be back to get you okay? Just stay here, where it's safe." Theo ordered her and she hardly moved by Theo could see a small nod. But before he left he sprinted to his pillows and grabbed his book. If he was going to die today he was dying with that book.

And without another look at Miles motionless body, he left his dorm and went back to search for his bastard father.

He turned to another set of stairs and another, he reached probably the fifth floor. He heard spells being hit and, walls torn down it was a wreck. Hogwarts was crumbling away, a place he called home was disappearing before his eyes. He wondered when all this is over if they'll rebuild it or even bother to fix it.

He then reached a hallway where wall had tumbled down blocking the path, he saw hair sticking out of the crumbled stones and as he got closer he saw liquid dripping down. When he reached beside it he saw deep red liquid. Fresh blood, some spell must have hit the wall and crumbled on the person whos dead now. 

There was only a piece of hair sticking out. Could it have been a friend of Theo's? Who knows, this is reality. Death is waiting for you at every turn. He took a deep breathe preparing himself for what else he might be seeing.

He was now frustrated, he's been searching up and down the stairs, he passed the same paintings about three times but he swear he took different turns. The ceiling above him seemed to be spinning and the weight on his shoulders seemed to be heavier. Could his father be dead already? No, he couldn't give up just yet.

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