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her and her ma

her and her ma

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'Oh god!',

I heard Amelie yell as she walked into the kitchen, I dropped what I was doing and hid behind the table,

'your girlfriend's over there',

I heard Ryland yell,

'Thanks Ryland',

I heard Amelie say beginning to laugh, I got up from where I was walking over to Ryland,

'Dude why would you do that?! She's not gonna let me drink no more',

I yelled at Ryland before turning around to Amelie,

'I'm not drunk I swear!',

I yelled at my girlfriend somewhat stumbling and smiling at her,

'then why are you falling over every two seconds then?',

Amelie asked me standing in front of me, I began to run away but Amelie pulled me up before I could even take two steps,


I yelled as Amelie sat me on the kitchen counter,

'I thought we made a deal, we all made a deal of no drinking with Thomas',

Amelie said looking at not only me but everyone else in the room. Everyone that was there looked away from her,

'so here's the thing, we like alcohol',

I said smiling at my girlfriend, she shook her head at me,

'You gotta give a better explanation then that!',

Ryland yelled at me, I turn around and faced him, I raised my arms questioning what he said,

'I ain't gonna lie to my girlfriend especially when it's the truth!',

I yelled, Amelie began to laugh, Ryland threw his arms up in the air and walked away,

'come on baby let's get you to bed',

Amelie said trying to get me to walk,


I said smiling at my girlfriend, she looked at me confused,

'if you don't go to bed now I'll make the ban of alcohol even longer',

Amelie said, I quickly tried to run to the bedroom but nearly fell over immediately but Amelie caught me,

'okay let me take you to bed then'.

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