The museum

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These past two weeks have been really hard on me. I catch myself trying to as Sky says 'Control him', but then I stop myself.

"Hey, it's time to go." Sky says jumping up and down on my bed. "Sky we are just going to the museum." "I know but you know I love the museum." "Okay, let me get up and we'll go." I say trying to get up but Sky is still jumping up and down making it really difficult to get up. "Stop jumping I can't get up!" I say not meaning to yell. "Sorry", Sky stops jumping and sits on my bed.

Sky and I walk into the living room where everyone is waiting for us. "No. I want to see the science exhibit first," Ryan says to Chris. "No, I want to see the history exhibit." Alex joins in, "No. The water area is way better." "Boys, Skylar is choosing the exhibit we go to first then Blake will chose next." Matthew says getting to from the couch. "Fine, the triplets say in sync.

"Everyone ready to go?" Paula asks walking k to the living room. "Yea, let's go." Matthew says. We all walk out of the house and get into the car. Sky sits in the back in the middle of Chris and I. Ryan and Alex sit in the front middle side seats.
Sky pulls his headphones in and blasts his music. He listening to If You Can't Hang by Sleeping With Sirens. I about to tell Sky to turn his music down but I stop myself. After about forty minutes of driving Sky leans his head on my shoulder.

I look down and Sky has his eyes closed. I takes his earbuds out and turn off his music. "Are we almost there?" Alex and Ryan ask. "In about twenty minutes." Paula answers.

We finally arrive at The Museum Of Natural History. We find a parking spot pretty close to the main entrance by the huge truck people can pulls rope to lift up.

"Okay everyone lets go." Matthew says turning the car off. "Wait. I have to wake up Sky." I tap on Sky's shoulder a few times until he finally wakes up. Sky rubs his eyes and looks up at me. "We're at the museum." Sky's eyes widen in excitement, he crawls out of the car so fast I barley even get my seatbelt off.

"So where would you like to go first Skylar?" Matthew asks paying the lady the money for us to go in the library. Sky looks up to the main building with a huge poster of the Pompeii exhibit. We wait in a huge line before we finally get to get in.

We walk into a little room that has a huge TV, we all stand together allowing other people to enter the small room. The movie starts, it talks about how Pompeii was destroyed in under twelve hours, and how some items have survived, how they are in the exhibit.

After the movie ends the ground starts to shake and smoke starts to come out of two speakers. Sky clings to my arm and buries his face into my shoulder, this is the first time in two weeks that Sky has actually needed me, it makes me feel good. The lights turn back on, Sky let's go of me and follows the tour guide to the next room.

We walk into the next room where Sky is already looking at the cast bodies, there one that Sky's looking at. I walk over to Sky, he has tears running down his face.

"What's wrong Sky?" He points to the word plaque. It reads, "This cast mold is of two we believe two brothers around the age of sixteen. The one that is covering the other was trying to protect his brother."

Sky hugs me suddenly causing me to jump. Sky holds onto me tightly. "Sky, don't cry. It's okay." "But he died protecting his brother." "I know, I know." "It's so depressing. I don't want to be here any more." "You don't have to be. Let's go find Matthew, Paula, and our brothers, and we'll go. How does that sound?" Sky nods smiling up at me with tears running down his cheeks.

We walk around and find our brothers looking at paintings with people, painted on them. "Hey, where are Paula and Matthew?" "They are..." Their eyes all move from me to Sky. "What's wrong?" Chris asks walking over to him. "Sky, just saw something that made him feel bad. He wants to leave." "Oh. Mom and dad are in the life culture room." Ryan says pointing the way. "Do you want us toto as well?" Alex asks. "Yea, thanks."

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