Standing up for myself finally

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"Don't tell me how to be Kylie. He is my brother not yours!" "You just can't hit him, he didn't do anything wrong!" Kylie and Blake continue to yell at each other all because of me.
"Skylar, let's go. Now!" Blake yells. I nod getting up from Kylie's bed and give Kylie a kiss on the cheek. "Sky, don't let hi bully you. I nod and stop following Blake. "Skylar, I said let's go!" "No." "Excuse me?!" Anger is all over Blake's face. I sigh and follow walking out of Kylie's room.
"Hey Skylar, what up?" Beau says walking through the front door just as Blake and I reach the bottom step.m"nothing, just going home. This is my older brother Blake." "Hi, I'm Beau Kylie's older brother." "Hi. Well Skylar and I have to go home. It was nice meeting you Beau." "Same to you." "Bye Swi." Mary Jane says running up to me. Kylie waves bye to me from upstairs, I wave back and put Mary Jane down. "Bye Beau." "Bye Skylar and Blake." "Bye."
"Look Sky, I'm sorry for slapping you how can I make it up to you?" I can't really think of anything besides Blake letting me do what I want when I want and stop being to over protective but I know he will never agree to that. "When we get home can I just sleep?" "Yea, if that's what you want."
When we get home I quickly run upstairs not even caring if anyone is home. "I'll bring up some green tea in a minutes, just go lie down and get comfortable." Blake yells from downstairs.
I take my jacket off and fall onto my bed. I still have my lip ring in, I should probably take it out but I need to tell Blake he needs to stop telling me what to do. I'm not that little boy who needs his older brother all the time anymore. I'm old enough to make me own decisions.
"Hey, here's your tea." Blake says smiling but his smile disappears when he sees I'm serious. "What's wrong?" I pat the bed to signal for him to sit. "What wrong Sky?" "We need to talk." "What about?" Blake says handing me my tea, and sitting down on my bed. I set my tea on my nightstand and sigh.
"I know you want to protect me all the time but you need to stop." "But Sky..." I cut Blake off. "No let me finish. I really do appreciate that you want to protect me and all but I'm sixteen, I'm not that scared six year old boy anymore. I can't make my own choices now, I want to pick my own friends, I want to get a lip ring than I'm going to. I don't want you to baby me anymore." Blake looks at me with a shocked expression.
"You don't want me to help you anymore?" "No. I mean, I don't know." "You don't need me anymore, I get it." Blake says getting up. I get up and grab his arm. "No. I need you, it's just... Not as much as I did as I did when we were little. But I still need you." "So you only want me to help when you need it?" "Yea, so are we okay?" "Yea.of course. Well I'm going to let you sleep, I'll be back in an hour."
I lay down and a smile spreads across my face. I finally told Blake what I've been dying to tell him for three years. I feel as if a huge weight has been lifted off my chest. I turn over onto my stomach and snuggle into my pillow getting comfortable and dream.
"I'm on my hands and knees playing with a fire truck. I see feet in front of me and look up to see dad then mom comes in smiling down at me.
"Hi there little buddy." Mom says picking me up, and placing me onto my bed, I know they're going to torture me some way,, but I secretly hope they have come to realize that they love me like they love Blake. But as always I'm wrong, dead wrong.
Dad reaches into his back pocket pulling out his lighter. Mom flips me over onto my stomach and lifts up my shirt, I don't dare fight back, I learned if I do my beating or torture gets worse.
Mom stuffs a sock into my mouth and whispers into my ear. "This will be your life till the day you die." I nod trying my best not to cry. I can feel the flame slowly touch my back.
I shoot up from my bed to realize I was just remembering a memory from when I was five. I have tears running down my face. I get up and go to the full size mirror, I lift up my shirt turning around to see the words dad burned into my back,"Worthless child we hope you die." It's a permit reminder everyday that mom and dad wish I died when I was born. I cry and walk out of my room into the living room.
Blake walks out of the kitchen with a bag of chips, he sees me and drops the chips all over the floor. He runs to me giving me a hug.
"Did you have another nightmare?" I nod into Blake's shoulder. "Do you want me to help you feel better?" I cry even harder and nod. Blake picks me up bridle style and carries me up to our room. Blake places me on his bed, then sets me in his lap rocking me back and forth.
"It's okay Sky, I'm here for you. I always will be." I cry muzzling my face into Blake's neck. Slightly wishing that I wouldn't have these memories anymore.
After awhile I start to feel tired. I fight the urge to close my eyes but then Blake starts to rub my back and rock me slower. I close my eyes but I open then again when I hear Ryan calling Blake.
"Hey mom and dad brought..." "Shhh, Sky is sleeping." "Oh. Mom and dad brought food home if your hungry." Ryan says in a whisper. "I'll be down in a minute, when I'm sure Sky's fully asleep." "Okay."
Blake rocks me again, stroking the back of my head. A few minutes later Blake lies me down and pulls my blankets over me. "Sleep well baby brother. I hope you don't have any more bad nightmares. I love you." I head Blake's footsteps fade as he walks away. I smile into my pillow and fall asleep repeating his words, "I love you." I know Blake loves me but sometimes when he says it I image mom and dad saying it.

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