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I wake up to the smell of hamburgers. I take in the amazing smell, knowing I won't eat it. I look at the clock, it reads one-thirty. I know if I go downstairs Blake will make me eat. So I lay back down and sleep.

I have a memory of being punched in the face multiple times by my mom and dad. "Don't you dare even think about telling anyone about this, you worthless child!" Dad says hitting me with every word. I scream and yell for Blake, but he's not home. Mom dropped him off at his friends house for a play date. Every time Blake is gone mom and dad beat me, after they're finished they cover me up with make up, to hide to bruises, cut, and burns.

I wake up in a cold sweat, my bed is drenched in sweat. I look at the clock seeing it's five-thirty. I walk downstairs into the garage. I put my sheets in and close the lid, starting the washer. I turn and jump, see Blake. "Why did you out your sheets in the washer?" I ignore Blake, turning to open the garage door. "Wait", Blake says putting a hand on my shoulder. "Sky, are you okay?" I nod, not looking at Blake. "You sure?" I nod and walk into the living room, seeing Chris eating cereal. I sit next to Chris and see what he's watching. He's watching Degrassi, when Eli and Clare get their ears pierced on their first date.

"Hey Sky, you finally woke up." I nod watching the tv. "Chris can you come here?" Blake says walking into the living room. "Sure, what about?" "Can we talk in the kitchen?" "Sure. I'll be back Sky, tell me what I miss." I smile and continue to watch Degrassi. Blake and Chris walk into the kitchen and I hear Blake say my name, so being nosey as I am I quietly walk to the kitchen and hide behind the wall.

"What do you mean, why did I call him Sky? That's his nickname." Chris asks clearly confused. " I know but Sky only lets people he cares about and trusts call him Sky." "Well now, I feel good, he trusts me." There is silence for a while the Blake says something that shocks me. "Do you think you can get Sky to trust you enough, so you can ask him why he doesn't talk?" I slide down the wall and cry. "No, Blake. Thats not cool, if he doesn't want to talk then he doesn't have to!" "He hasn't talked in ten years." "He will talk when he's ready, don't rush him." "It breaks my heart knowing he won't talk, not even to me." If Blake knew the real reason why I don't talk, more like can't, it would kill him. I don't want him to think he could have done something to protect me. I am perfectly fine without talking, why can't he?

I hear footsteps and I quickly run up the stairs to the bathroom. I lock the door and slide down the wall, I suddenly feel the urge to cut myself. I pull out my phone from my back pocket, and pop the case off. Two small blades fall into my hand. I have been cutting since I was ten, every time I would have a flashback I would cut. Then I stopped one day when Jenny saw blood on my white skinny jeans. I'm smart enough not to cut my wrists, so I only cut my thighs.

"Sky, are you in there?" I hear Chris say through the door, trying to turn the knob. I quickly pull my pants down just an inch about my knew and cut three times, watching the blood run down my leg. "Sky, the doors locked, let me in." I stand up and there a stinging pain in my left thigh. I wince in pain, pulling up my skinny jeans. I put my blades back into my phone case and open the door. Chris is standing in front of me looking at my hand. I look down to my right and it's covered in blood. "Why are you bleeding?" I wipe my hand on my black skinny jeans and shrug. "What blood?" Chris opens his mouth to say something, but them the front door opens.

"We're home." Matthew says walking into the living room. I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding in. I turn to walk downstairs, but Chris grabs my arm. "Why was there blood on my hand?" Chris asks in a whisper. I walk around him and heading to my room. "If you don't tell me, I'll tell Blake I saw blood on your hand." I stop and turn around. "Tell me or I'll tell Blake." I just stare at him, with wide eyes. "Bla...." I run over to him and place my hand over his mouth, I shake my head.

"Then tell me." "I grabbed the scissors in the bathroom, and I was going to cut a loose string that was on my shirt, but then you knocked on the door. It scared me and I cut my finger." Chris looks at me like he doesn't believe me. "Fine. But I don't believe you at all." I walk downstairs into the kitchen, seeing Paula and Matthew making dinner.

"Skylar, are you hungey, Paula and I are making tacos." Matthew says taking cheese and grading it. I'm about to shake my head when Blake come in. "Sky will have three." He answers for me. I put up one finger, Blake shakes his head. "No, three." Ryan runs into the kitchen chasing Alex with a bottle, with some kind of liquid in it. "Stop Ryan, I don't want to drink it!" "Just drink it!" I have a flashback.

I run through the house searching for a place to hide. I hide in between the couch and wall, hoping mom and dad won't find me. "Worthless!" I hear dad's voice a couple feet away. "Mistake, stop hiding! It will only make your beating worse, we will find you!" Mom and dad pass me and go out the back door. I run into the kitchen and hide in one of the cabinets. I sit in the cabinet for a few silent minutes until the cabinet door opens and my hair is pulled. Dad pulls me by my hair into the living room. I see a bottle of lye on the table, I know what's going to happen next. "Drink it! You huge mistake!" Mom yells at me. I close my mouth but dad holds my nose, so I'm forced to open my mouth to breath. Mom shoves the bottle into my mouth, forcing me to swallow. The lye burns my throat, mom pulls the bottle out of my mouth, it's now empty. Dad punches me in the stomach, I try to scream but nothing comes out.

"Skylar, Skylar, wake up! Please wake up!" I wake from my flashback. Everyone is sitting around me. I'm on the kitchen floor, I notice I'm arched up a bit. I look up to see Blake, I'm lying in his lap, he has tears in his eyes, they fall onto my face. I reach up and wipe the tears from his face. "Skylar, are you o..okay?" Blake says stuttering. I blink my eyes and I feel a tear fall onto my check. "Blake, Chris, take Skylar upstairs, we will be there in a minute." Paula says crying into Matthew's shoulder. I try to get up but Blake shakes his head. "I'm going to carry you." I nod, not even bothering to argue.

Blake places me on my bed and pulls the blankets over me. I take off my jacket and throw it on the floor. Chris grabs his computer chair and sits by my bed. "Do you want me to sit with you, Sky?" Blake asks with tears in his eyes. I nod and pat my bed for him to sit. "What happened?" I ask not remembering anything that happened. Blake sighs, looking into my eyes. "I don't know, you just were standing there in the kitchen, they you fell on the floor. You were kicking and thrashing your head around, then you grabbed your stomach, you looked like you were going to scream, but no sound came out." The memory comes back, that was the time I realized I couldn't talk anymore. The lye had finally burned my vocal cords. I couldn't even make a small noise.

"Was it a memory, Sky?" Blake asks tears running down his face. I know if I nod Blake will ask if it's about mom and dad. I shake my head, not looking into his eyes. "So what was...." Blake is cut off when Paula pops her head in the door. "Can we come in?" Chris and Blake look at me waiting for my answer. I nod. "Come in", Chris says. Paula, Matthew, Ryan, and Alex come in. Paula walks to bed, Blake moves and sit on Chris's bed.

"Skylar, are you okay? Do you need anything?" I shake my head. "Does this happen often?" I know the answer is yes but I look to Blake and he nods. I nod in shame. "I am so sorry. I know you didn't expect to adopt a teen with so many problems." "Oh no Skylar, don't think that." Matthew says sitting down on my bed. "Skylar, we don't care that about the problems, we love you, for who you are." Matthew says stroking my cheek. "But I'm not normal, I'm not like Blake. He's normal he talks and doesn't have panic attacks. He is the perfect child, anyone would want him. He isn't like me, he can make friends, I can't do anything like him. I am the useless twin."

I hear Blake crying, he walks to me. "Skylar, what do you mean by all of that?" "I'm the child no one would want. Why would anyone, i can't talk, I have problem no one can fix, I'm useless." "Don't say that about yourself." I hear Chris say. "Skylar, you are an amazing person, you talk to me all the time. Yes, you have panic attacks, but many people do. Your not useless. We all love you Sky. I love you." Chris has tears running down his face.They all tell me how special I am and how it's okay if I have some problems.

The rest of the week goes by really fast. Before I know it, it's the first day of school for Blake and I.

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