A new friend

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Sky, it's time for school, wake up." I pull the sheets over my head and roll over. "Sky, come on. We can't be late on our first day of school." Blake says nudging me. I get up and yawn. Blake smiles and ruffles my hair. I smack his hand away, glaring at him angry. Blake just laughs at my attempt to be mad.

"Do you need help choosing what your going to wear?" Blake asks me this question on the first day of school every year, he started when we entered sixth grade. I just let him pick out my clothes. I nod. "Okay let's see what's in your closet." Blake pulls out a Panic! at the disco shirt, black skinny jeans, with a black beanie, and my new bright red Vans. "Here, then go brush your teeth and hair. Your backpack is downstairs already packed."

I pull my phone out and text Jenny. "Hey, it's my first day of school today. I'm really nerves. I hope your day at school is fun, I really miss you." I get a text a second later, from Jenny. "I hope you have a wonderful day at school, you will make so many friends. I miss you too."

I put my phone back on my bed and get dressed. I flat iron my hair and brush my teeth. I go downstairs and see everyone eating bowls of cereal. "Good morning Skylar. Are you excited for your first day of school?" Pulls asks, giving me a smile. I shrug my shoulders and sit at the table. "You nerves?" Alex asks before eating more cereal. I nod and pour myself very little cereal. "Don't worry, by the time you get home you'll have so many friends, you'll be busy every Saturday." Ryan says smiling. "You'll be fine, you will be popular all twins are." Chris says putting his bowl into the sink, and grabs his backpack.

We get to the high school and it's packed with so many people. I open my door and Blake follows. "Boys, here's your lunch money for today." Matthew says handing us each five dollars. "Thanks," Blake says and I nod. "Paula and I will be here to pick you two up at three." Blake and I nod. As Blake and I walk through the gate a lot of girls stop and stare. I hear them say things like, "They're cute", "They're identical twin hotties", "the one with the green eyes is really hot", a girl next to her says, "The one with hazel eyes takes my breath away, he's dreamy."

"Sky, let's head to the main office to get our schedules." Blake says, and I nod. "Do you think we will have any classes together?" I shrug my shoulders, but I sure hope so. We get into the main office and a lady with blonde hair and green/brownish eyes says "Hi". "Hello, my name is Mrs. Ryan, how may I help you, two boys?" "We just transferred here and we need our schedules." "Oh, you two must be Blake and Skylar. Do you to go by Ramos or Quinn?" "Quinn." "Which of you is Blake and who's Skylar?" "I'm Blake I have green eyes, this is Skylar he has hazel eyes." "Very cool, let me go get your schedules, I'll be back."

We get our schedules and compare them. "We have every class together but Chemistry." I nod and out my schedule in my backpack. "The bells going to ring, let's head to class." We head to honors geometry. The class goes by really fast, then we head to English 3, my second favorite subject.

"Class today we have to new students. Would Blake and Skylar Quinn, please,come up to the front of the class and introduce yourselves." Blake and I head up to the front of the class. "Do you want me to introduce you?" Blake whispers in my ear. I nod. "Hi, my name is Blake Quinn, I'm sixteen. My favorite colour is green, my favorite show is American Dad, my favorite band is The Cab, and my favorite subject is Drama." "And you Skylar?" The teacher asks.Blake walks to her and whispers something in her ear. She nod her head and says sorry. Blake walks back to me and introduces me to the class.

"This is Skylar, he's sixteen as well." Blake continues and I notice people snickering and I hear two girls say. "I'm going to ask why he doesn't talk." Then the teacher speaks up, "Does anyone have any questions for Blake and Skylar?" Everyone's hands shoot up.

Blake picks a guy with blonde hair named Mark, "Who's the older twin, and by how much?" "I am by two minutes." The he picks a girl with dark green glasses named Amber, "How can you tell the difference between you two?" "I have green eyes, while Skylar has hazel." Blake continues to answer about twelve more question. The girl that was saying she was going to ask why I don't talk raises her hand. "Yes?" Blake says. "Actually,I have a question for Skylar?" I freeze and look at Blake. "Well I'll answer for him." "Why can't he talk?" Blake make up a lie for me, "His throat hurts."

The rest of the day goes by really fast, during passing period the girl with black hair approaches me. "So why don't you talk." It was more of a statement more than a question. I shrug and try to walk around her. "Hey, I'm talking to you!" She says so loud people in the hall stop and stare. I suddenly wish Blake was with me but it's the last period of the day chemistry and we have different teachers . "Never mind, your useless,not even worth my time." She says pushing me against the wall. Her words hurt, but I've been told worse. I wait for everyone to clear the hall, then I head to chemistry, my favorite class.

I pick a seat in the very back and pull if my binder. Mr. Lockhart walks in when the bell rings and takes role. "Mr.Quinn,would you please come up to the board and introduce yourself." I slowly get up and make my way to the front. "Mr.Quinn, can you please write on the board about yourself." I grab a red white board marker and write five things about myself. A guy with a leather jacket asks, "Are you Blake or Skylar?" I turn to the board and write my name, on the board.

Half way through class there's a knock at the back door. "Skylar, could you please get that." Mr.Lockheart says while typing on his laptop. I get up and open the back door, a girl with brown hair smiles at me. She has chocolate brown eyes, perfect straight teeth and a wonderful voice, that almost made my heart stop. "Excuse me." I move out of her way and sit back down in my seat.

"Hi, sorry I'm late Mr. Lockheart. I was helping set up the gym for the rally tomorrow." "It's alright Kylie. We have a new student named Skylar, can you help him catch up on this chapter?" "Of course Mr. Lockheart , where is he?" "Skylar, can you please raise your hand?" I raise my hand, and Kylie sits in the empty seat next to me, and pull out her binder.
"Hi, I'm Kylie, did Mr. Lockheart give you the packet?" I pull my packer out from under my binder. "Do you need any help?" I nod, completely lying. I really don't need help in chemistry, I'm actually really good at it. But Kylie is so nice and pretty. My heart races when she helps me with the packet. Oh no do I like Kylie?

The last ten minutes of class Mr. Lockheart assigns partners for a project that will be due in three weeks. "Skylar do you want to be partners?" I nod. "do you want to work on it at my house or yours?" I write on a piece of paper "whatever you prefer."and hand it to her. "Okay, how about your house the first week and a half, then mine the rest?' I nod. "Can I have your number and address?" I give her my number and address, she gives me hers. The bell rings I turn to the back door when Kylie calls me.

"Skylar." I turn back to her and see she's putting all her things in her backpack. A book falls out of the bag onto the floor, I pick it up to see its my favorite book. The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. I point it out to Kylie,. "You like The Outsiders?" I nod and hand her back the book. "I've read it at least thirty times, how many times have you read it?" I put up ten fingers and then two. "Twelve?" I shake my head. "Twenty?" I nod.

We walk down the hall, and Kylie stops. I stop and wait for her. "Hey Skylar, do you want to be friends?" I smile and nod. "Can you stay after school?' I look at my phone it's two-thirty five, twenty five minutes till I get picked up, I nod. "Thank you." Kylie leads me to a huge tree by the C building, we sit and I look around the quad. I should probably tell Blake where I am, but I decide against it. I put my hand down and accidentally touch Kylie's hand. Sparks of electricity run up my hand to my arm. We pull our hands away, "Sorry", Kylie says blushing.

We talk for twenty minutes then I get a text from Blake. Bay,"Where are you? Paula, Matthew,and our brothers are all waiting for you in the car." Me, "I'll be there in five." Kylie taps on my shoulder, "Who's Bay, is she your girlfriend?" "No. Bay is short for Blake, he's my brother." "Are you leaving?" "Yea," I say getting up to leave but Kylie stops me. "Skylar." I turn to Kylie, and she kisses my cheek, I can't help but blush. "Bye, Skylar." I wave bye.

Silent Prison (completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora