Chapter seventeen

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Throughout the time span of twenty years Seth has been trying to find his way home, but he was also helping the Heros in his failed attempts. We start at the morning of the end of his journey at Star Labs in Central City of the Arrowverse/DC dimension. "Thanks again Cisco for your help getting me home. You guys should stop by sometime." Seth said. "Yeah will. One of us will tell Caitlin you say see you soon and you wished she was here to see you off." Cisco said. "Oh and I almost forgot to give you one of my interdimensional communicators to not only help you get there, but to call me if you need me." Seth said. "And if you and Iris find a way to get Barry out of the Speed force tell him that, I say hi and see you soon. For me ok." Seth said. "We will. And see you later Seth. Now you should head home. With all the speed you got here from your 'power upgrading' you should be more than fast enough to get home." Iris said. Seth ran into the Star Labs particle accelerator and ran as fast as he needed to go home. A portal opened and he was gone. Somewhere in the main dimension. In a dark not very well kept cabin far out side of town in the forest. The TV was on and was tuned into the news channel. "This is the twentieth anniversary of Seth Tennyson's disappearance, the people are saying he is dead. However some say that he is lost in the multiverse. Now onto more pressing matters the amount of 'breaches' as the people call them. Has increased exponentially in the past month. Our most recent visit from this new breach was a group known as the Doom Raiders, who apparently the leader of this group had a grudge on two of the heros that took them done and sent them back. If you ever see a breach call the authorities, who will most likely be followed by one of the many heroes in the city." The news broadcast finished. The inside of the cabin was dark, the only form of light was the TV and a kindling fire. There on the couch was Nebula, who had cried herself to sleep the previous night. However someone else was there as well it was her friend Blaze the Cat. She made her and Nebula breakfast when she was done. She wretched open the curtains all throughout the cabin. "Come on get up." She commanded. "Why? you know today always makes me feel like the worst person alive right." Nebula moaned. "I know, I know. But that gives you no reason to miss Aurora's birthday party. I mean she is turning four. I have had to drag you out of this cabin for ten years. I have had to take care of you because of the sacrifice that Seth made to keep you ali-" Blaze yelled before Nebula interrupted. "Don't you say his name! I know he sacrificed himself for my life, the team's life, world's life. Ok yeah so it hit me harder than everyone else! I am glad that Tristin has not given up hope unlike me, who has walked away from the world and has been trying to forget the day it happened! I can try as hard as I can, but I can not! He left us!" She shouted as loud as you could. She rammed her fist into the wall leaving a gaping hole. Then fell onto her knees and started to cry...again. "Ok, I get it you miss and are angry at him for leaving. I get that, but what I don't get is why you are a sad, angry, and lonely person when you were a strong, upbeat, independent woman." Blaze said. Far off to the east a breach had opened up, but a villain would not be coming out it would be a hero. Streak of green lightning came bolting out of it before it closed and headed straight toward a cliff overlooking the city. The streak stopped and it was Seth. He was finally home in the year of 2084. He sped off toward the city hoping to find A familiar face.

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