Chapter fifteen

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"Seth what did we say no more working at the table. What are you even doing." Nebula rebuked. "Ok I think I broke the lock in the file and I am in ok lets see ok wow looks like a few Tennysons worked under Ben or Max. Ok here we are the other Tennysons on the list are Lily Tennyson, Age 43, whereabouts unknown, race is mobein Jackal. Huh she was a jedi too. We also have Ken, not a surprise there and Kara danvers-Tennyson age 25, she was Kryptonian and married Ben. Now my file says I am Mobian Jackal and Asgardian but I know I am adapted so.I should ask Asmuth about why he locked this file. And I guess I am not human as I thought. Looks like I'm half mobein half asgardian." Seth said. "Ok, you talk to him,but can it wait until tomorrow though cause we are going out later." Nebula said. "Ok it can wait." Seth said before an envelope  was slipped through the mail slot. Tristin when to go pick it up. The envelope was addressed to Seth. The note inside read. "I don't know how long I have until Vilgax finds me but I need you to meet me at 2:30 pm. On first and Broadway. I am a gray Jackal with a beige trench coat black baseball cap. I will explain everything when we meet. Please hurry. Your Aunt." The note read. "Okay… is it ok if we postpone the hang out till latter cause my Aunt wants to meet up." Seth said. "After all these years she wants to do it now. Well I'm going just in case." Nebula said. Later that day Seth and Nebula left for the meet up with Seth's Aunt. Once he arrived he used the force to see if she was near. Since she was a force user it was easy to find her exact location. He started to move towards the alley on his left. Nebula followed him on the roof top of a nearby building. "Ok mom I know your here you can come out now." Seth said loudly. Then someone came through one of the doors. She was beautiful woman probably around her late thirties early fourties. She had a silvery gray fur, black ascents and hair, and cobalt blue eyes. "Are you Lily Tennyson?" Seth asked. "Seth oh my it's good to see you. You've gotten taller since I left you at my nefew's house." She said. "I am Lily Tennyson. Your Aunt." "Hey what are you doing here this isn't you turf get lost." A man said. "Why free contery isn't it." Lily remarked. Then the man whiped out a gun. "I am going to say it agin leave." He said "you want to go home." Seth said as he waved his hand In front of him. The man put the gun back and walked away. Lily was surprised to see Seth inherited her force sensitive capabilities. "You can use the force too!" Lily exclaimed. Are there anything else you can do?" Then there was a faint boom then screaming. "What was that? Stay here. I'll be right back." Seth said. I was as usual Eggman had blown something up. Seth ran towards the giant robot and activated the Ultimatrix and transformed into Ruby Spike the Rukkunian. "HEY EGGHEAD! Again what is with you and blowing stuff up!" Shouted Seth. "Mmmh why do you have to be here. Besides I already found what I was looking for." Eggman said. He held out a quarter of a stone tablet. "Now if you excuse me I need to leave" Eggman said as he started to leave. But before he could get to far Seth shot a red laser at Eggman hover craft, which resulted in him dropping the tablet fragment trying to regain control. He got away but Seth had the tablet fragment. Seth asked his Aunt if she would like to meet his friends. She agreed and they left. When they arrived Seth had Steel analyze the chunk of rock Eggman was attempting to steal. They all sat on the sofa and Seth introduced them to his Aunt. "Lily this is my friend Nebula Emerald and my adoptive brother Tristin Tennyson. Nebs, Chase this is my Aunt Lily." Seth said. "Hi Mrs. Tennyson so nice to meet you." Tristin said. "Nice to meet you too. Thank you for taking care of Seth for me Tristin. You know Seth. You and Nebula would make a great couple." Lily said. This made Seth choke on his water and Nebula fall off the arm of one of their chairs. "Wait what! Me and Nebula that's so not true. We aren't together and I don't see how that might happen." Seth said. "Ok, but I was known as a matchmaker in my days as a plumber. So if it hasn't happened yet it will. I'm sorry to intrude on your conversation. But I have news on the tablet you brought back. It is part of a map, but to what I don't know yet I am running a recognition software on it to find out the full map. I have also sent an image to some of the best cartographers and scholars in the world. My money if I had any is professor pickle will have something.

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