Chapter eleven

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They arrived in a rather blocky landscape even their bodies are made of what appears to be cubes. “What happened to our bodies. This is creepy we are made of blocks.” Said Knuckles. “Well we are in the Minecraft dimension and as a gamer along with Tristin I play Minecraft in my off time.” Seth said. So Tristin and I know a lot about this place.” “Really well are coming on my village.” Said Gameknight. They reached the village to find the villagers talking. “In all my years playing Minecraft I did not know about the villagers talking.” Seth said with amazement. “Well take it from the ex king of the griefers. I use to grief villages back in the day.” Said Gameknight. “However that is not me anymore.” They made there way to watch tower in the middle of the village Gameknight opened up the secret trapdoor which led to the crafting camber. “Everyone meet Crafter, Hunter, and Stitcher. Guys meet Seth, Nebula, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Shadow.” Said Gameknight. “Nice to meet you all. Now on to the matter at hand. Gameknight said that you are looking for a man named Herobrine. Is that right?” Asked Sonic. “Yes that is correct we were about to head out to the Samurai’s main base. Since you are back do you want to come with use?” Said Hunter. “Sure why not. Besides Gameknight informed use that they may have lied to you, and Nebula and I can be very persuasive.” Seth said. “Well that may be a good thing. Ok now that that is sorted out can we go now?” Said Stitcher. They all left the village and made a long trek to the Samurai’s main base while talking amongst themselves. They finally reached the base after a half a day of walking. They found the leader of the Samurai his name was SanJab.” Said Crafter. “SanJab this is Seth, Nebula, Sonic, Tails, Silver, Knuckles, and Shadow.” “Pleasure to meet you all. So did you find him?” Asked SanJab. “That is why we're here. When I found them they said and I quote ‘who in the multiverse is Herobrine’. So some of them decided to help me find him and since you lied Seth here can be persuasive.” Said Gameknight. “Tell me something SanJab. Have you heard of a Nemuina?” Asked Seth. “A what? Have I missed an update!" Said SanJab. “No you haven't, if you don't tell us where he is I will use Pesky Dust and get it out myself. To make sure you don't fall and cause to much attention.” Seth said. He shot several web shots at SanJab who is now stuck on the wall until the webbing dissolved in one hour. “What! Did this come out of your wrists?!” Said SanJab shocked. “No I have wristband that shot them, but it is time to dream raid.” Seth said. He transformed into Pesky Dust the Nemuina. Seth use his power of dreams to get answers. After a minute Seth reverted back. “He and his friends are on an island to the west.” Seth said, “We should get moving. And don't worry that stuff dissolves in an hour. So you won't be stuck up there forever. Astalavista SanJab.” Seth said. They left the facility and headed west until they found an ocean which terrified Sonic. “Well lets set up camp for the night, hunter can you go and find food.” Said Gameknight. “I’ll go to. I want to get to know you more. Plus Diamond Head’s abilities could come in handy if necessary and would make it go faster.” Said Nebula. The two of them left to find some food. “So now that they left. Do any of you have powers that I don't know about? Asked Gameknight. “Well sort of. Sonic can run ten times the speed of sound. Knuckles has super strength and uses the spikes in his hand to dig quite effectively. Shadow has super speed, strength, and chaos powers. Silver has Psychokinesis or telekinesis whatever you prefer. Tails can fly when spinning his tails like helicopter rotors. Nebula and I have most of the same powers.” Seth said. “You should try Nebula’s cooking it is amazing. Even if you might not like something she will find a way to make it good.” Seth said. After half an hour, Hunter and Nebula came back from the forest with enough pork chops for everyone and while they were eating Seth and Nebula told them about some of the alien species that they could turn into then fell fast asleep.
The next morning when everyone was awake they were thinking about a way to cross the ocean. Gameknight, Crafter, Stitcher, and Hunter brought up boats which Sonic agreed with them with no hesitation. Seth thought of using his To’kustar form Way Big to walk across, which Sonic would only do if Nebula would web him down. Silver suggested that he could use his Psychokinesis on those who couldn't fly. Which Sonic also agreed to as long as Silver wouldn't drop him. After five minutes of pondering Nebula decided to use her Hoopa transformation and ring them there with no one's knowledge. "Why didn't we think of hoopa. Well at least we are here. We should start looking for him. Nebula and I can use our Citrakayah (Fasttrack) and Kineceleran (XLR8) forms." Seth said. "And Sonic and Shadow can help search. The rest of you can set up camp." "Well what are we waiting for. Lets go." Said Sonic. They all left to explore the island. After a few minutes of searching Seth and Nebula found a castle like house in the center of the island and right next to a giant roller coaster. "Are sure we should go in there without Sonic and Shadow?" Nebula said worriedly. "They won't return my calls. Well knuckles would but he's a weirdo. So what do you suggest to get in? I was thinking either vertebreak the Boglodite or the merlinisapien chamalien." Seth suggested. "Ok how will vertebreak work exactly? Oh his shapeshifting he could change into the dirt or the ground." Nebula said. "Let's do both. I got chamalien and you get vertebreak." They transformed into the agreed aliens and successfully snuck in. After a half-hour of exploring the house they confirmed no one was home. Or so they thought. Herobrine and his friends got back from a resource run and saw Seth and Nebula become visible. "Um excuse me um who are you two?" Asked a mysterious girl. "I don't want to hurt you but you should leave before the rest of my friends get here." "Oh sorry if this is your house than sorry for the intrusion." Seth said. "No really you need to. Uh oh too late." Said the girl. "What are you doing in my house? Asked a mysterious man. This scared Seth that he shot a spine at the man behind him. "You almost hit me! Whatever you are you must have terrible aim. Well anyway leave now or face the wrath of Herobrine." Said Herobrine. "Well we found him, but won't go without a fight. Merlinisapiens aren't really well suited for fighting might I recommend the Acurtian Hog Prick. You know sleep inducing quills." Seth said. "Also it would have been helpful if Gameknight told use what he looks like." After many holes into a wall and shortage of quills later. "UNHAND US IS THIS INSTANT!!!" Shouted Nebula who was unfortunately tied up next to an unconscious Seth. "Oh I don't think so miss. SparkleGirl get Emman back here as quickly as possible if they do manage to untie themselves there is no way they could stop all three of us." Said Herobrine before SparkleGirl teleported out of the room. "Wolfie2 watch them while I go see if there's any others hiding in the forest. After several long quite minutes of silence the door to the room they were locked up in opened. "Alright where are they I wanna crack at one see if he or she can beat me in a duel." A man said. "Ok slow down you might have to talk about that with Herobrine Emman." Said SparkleGirl. "What do you know the other one is waking up." She was right Seth was finally regained continuous. "Ugh where am I? Nebula where are you?!" Said Seth. "Well well well look who decided to wake at the worst possible time." Herobrine said as he walked into the room. I searched the whole forest didn't find anyone else. Look like these two are alone. What should we do with them?" "Oh oh how about I duel one of them! I'm thinking the guy." Said Emman. "Ok first of all don't call me guy. My name is Seth and if you up for it sure let's do it." Said Seth. "However if I win you let use go and help you with your predicament. If he wins we leave and never come back deal?" Said Seth. "You are going down Seth." Replied Emman. "Oh then it is on like Donkey Kong." Said Seth. They all headed outside with Nebula still tied up. "You ready to lose?" Asked Emman. "Funny I was going to ask you the same thing. Lets see who you handle Rath the Appoplexian. IT'S HERO TIME!" Said Seth. "Arrgh! OH YEAH LETS CAUSE SOME PAIN!!!!" Shouted Seth who was now an alien tiger. "WHAT THE, HOW DID YOU? OOOOOOOOWWWWW OOOOOOWWWWWW!!!! GET OFF YOU WIN YOU WIN! NOW GET OFF YOU WIN!!!" Emman shouted in pain. "Let me tell you something guy I am sitting on when you challenge rath to a duel you say you yield when you surrender!" Shouted Seth. "OK OK OK I YIELD!!! I YIELD!!" Shouted Emman. "NO NOT YET!" Shouted Seth. "GET OFF HIM NOW SETH!" Shouted Nebula. Seth reverted back to his normal self. "Sorry Rath has anger problems." Said Seth apologetically. "Chaos Speer!" Shouted a deep voice from the top of the wall. "Yo Shadow take it easy turns out these guys need our help! Can you teleport everyone else here!" Shouted Seth. When he finished talking Shadow was home then back with everyone else. Several minutes later Shadow was back with everyone. "Why are we here exactly cause if Herobrine tries anything he will lose his head." Said an angry Gameknight. "Calm down Gameknight. And yeah Seth why are we here?" Asked Silver. "Um, Herobrine can you explain?" Asked Seth. "Sure." Said Herobrine. "Well a few months ago we received a mysterious note from a man called Entity 303 saying that we wanted stay living we would stay out of his way. Two weeks later the old trading town was attacked the Samurai that made it out told use what happened. They said something about blazes that were made of ice, Cyclops', and weird looking zombies that if you think it's dead it comes back and more strange monsters. We had our witch friend come over and help use find out what the monsters are. Ever since then we started looking for him." "Blazes made of ice you say. That sounds like a Glace to me and weird looking zombies those could be mutated zombies." Said Crafter. "Ok looks like we are dealing with modded Minecraft. Good thing I do a lot of it in my free time. The mods those monsters are from are called Ice and Fire or Advent of Ascension, twilight forest, and mutant creatures and many more. Plus I know their weaknesses so we have a fair chance at beating him." Seth said. "We can't find him if we don't know where he is." Said Tails. Out of nowhere a door appeared behind Herobrine. "HEROBRINE HEROBRINE HEROBRINE! I found him." A girl said. "Ahhh!! Ugggh don't do that! You scared the living breakfast out of me!" Shouted a startled Herobrine. "Sorry. Just excited that-- oh um who are you guys?" Asked the girl. "Huh Oh, Clara meet Gameknight, Hunter, Sticher, Crafter, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Silver, Shadow, Seth, and Nebula. Everyone meet Clara. So Clara you said you found Entity 303?" Asked Herobrine. "Yeah I did he is in the east. He appears to be building something. I don't know what exactly, but we should get moving soon." Said Clara. "Good idea." Seth replied. Then everyone except Herobrine, SparkleGirl, Emman, and Clara looked at Shadow. "What is everyone looking at me for?" Asked Shadow confused. "Well you can use chaos control." Said Knuckles. "Oh right. So can Seth!" Said Shadow. "You know I still haven't perfected it." Said Seth. " Ugg fine. Chaos Control!" Said Shadow agitatedly.

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