Our Beginning

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You woke up with your muscles sore from your nighttime activities with your partner. Missing the warmth of your lover's body, you patted his side of bed, only to be met with emptiness.

"Zoro?" You called for him, hoping that he hadn't left you before you woke up. Even though you wanted to lift yourself up from bed, you knew your legs would give out the moment you tried to stand up, so you decided to wait a little bit to see if he answered or not.

"Right here!" You heard him answer from the kitchen, a muffled grunt coming from his throat as he made his way back to your shared room. He came inside with a little tray with breakfast. You looked up at him in awe and saw how a blush had crept up to his cheeks in embarrassment, his one good eye tightly closed.

"I-I made us breakfast." He mumbled, melting your heart. "I'm sorry if I was too rough last night."

An apology breakfast? But he was amazing...

"What do you mean you're sorry?" You asked, eyelashes fluttering softly at him. You had loved how he had been with you last night, it had made you feel drunk in pleasure and you definitely didn't want him to apologize, if anything you had to thank him for being such a great lover.

"Well, no. It was really good, but I'm sorry because you're sore, right?" He came closer to you and laid the tray in bed, laying back down with you and kissing you good morning, still a little embarrassed by his own actions.

"Yeah, I am pretty sore." You chuckled making him laugh as well. You looked into his eye and felt captivated, he was so handsome and the love and warmth you felt whenever you looked at him would never cease to amaze you.

"You look gorgeous." He smirked sexily making you blush.

Damn this man and his endless sexiness.

"You look gorgeous too my sexy handsome boyfriend." You purred at him as his blush intensified. Giggling, you scooted closer to him and gave him a proper good morning kiss, holding him in place by the back of his neck. He snaked his arms through your waist and picked you up, placing you in his lap and deepening the kiss. Pulling away, you let your forehead rest against his as you recovered your breath.

You kept a light chatter while you fed each other the breakfast that Zoro had prepared. He had burned the food a little bit, which you found adorable, but you couldn't care less. It was such a nice gesture you wouldn't have expected from him and it made you fall even deeper for him. He really was everything you had ever wanted. Literally.

"So are we inviting people over then?" Asked Zoro. You had laid back down, your back pressed to his chest as he lightly grazed your naked arm with his fingers.

"Yeah! It will be fun." You mumbled, thinking about inviting your girlfriends and family. "Besides I haven't seen your family for a long time."

"You say it as if it was a bad thing." He joked.

"Hey!" You punched him lightly, turning around and cuddling back into him, nose nuzzled against his neck.

"I'm sorry I ever doubted you, Zoro."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, when you were sneaking around with Pops and my brothers to buy us this apartment I really thought you were over me." You mumbled, feeling a wave of sadness envelop you with the thought of Zoro leaving you.

"Right." He grunted. "Don't ever think that again, dumbass." He said, crushing you in a tight hug. "Besides, you ruined my surprise." He joked, moving you from side to side while still hugging you.

Highschool Crush (Roronoa Zoro x Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now