Moving In

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"Zoro, it's amazing!" You squealed as you had just entered the apartment. It was way better than you had expected.

"So you like it?" Zoro looked at you in excitement.

"It's perfect!" You said, hugging him tightly and filled with love. "I love you so much." You mumbled as he kissed your lips.

"Ew. Get a room." Much to your delight, Ace and Luffy had hopped in with you to check the new apartment. It was still pretty empty, as Zoro wanted to wait for you to decide on furniture, but it had the basics. You were already loving it.

It had been a couple of weeks ever since Zoro asked you to move in. In the meantime you had been coordinating the moving and payments. You also began working, which got you a stable and pretty nice income to start with your independent life.

"Stop being such a crybaby Ace." You said poking your tongue at him from Zoro's arms. He snickered and kissed the top of your head while you bickered back and forth with your brother. His heart felt warm with you by his side. He was extremely happy.

The apartment was still pretty close to Pops' house and to Zoro's house, so your life wouldn't change much except for the fact that you could now have sex with your boyfriend in the comfort of a bed whenever the hell you wanted to.

"You really like it?" Asked Zoro, eyes glistening with love and affection.

"Mhm." You mumbled nuzzling yourself against his neck, holding him tightly. He was warm and you could feel his love for you seeping through his tough act.

"Come on! We want a tour!" Whined Luffy, tired of having to watch you kissing his best friend instead of what he actually came for.

"There isn't much to see Luffy, it's just an apartment." Answered Ace, leaning into his little brother.

"Then what did we come for?" He said with a disappointed look on his face, making your boyfriend and Ace sweat drop.

"You wanted to come." You replied, patting his head with affection. Luffy mumbled something in between his breath, but you didn't hear him very clearly. "What happened Luffy?"

"Idon'twantyoutomoveout" He whined pouting while he looked away from you with his cheeks red in embarrassment.


"But we'll live nearby! You can always come visit!" You heard Zoro groan at your statement and kicked his sheen.

Bad bestfriend!

"You'll have to come visit us!" He kept on whining.

"At least every sunday lunch!" You replied smiling happily, wanting to tell your little brother that you weren't going anywhere, you had just moved a couple of blocks away.

"Alright! Time to go!" Said Zoro with a tired groan, pushing your brothers away to the door as you giggled softly.

"Hey! (Y/N) said she'd cook us dinner!" Said Ace trying to reach back at you, but Zoro kept on shoving him to the door.

"Tomorrow." Grumbled your boyfriend, wanting to kick the guys out so he could finally try your new bed out and finally mark this home as yours.

"Zoro! Don't be rude to my family." You huffed jokingly, peeling him off your brothers and closing the door before he could kick them out.

"It's true, they are having dinner with us, remember? You told them to." His eyes widened in realization, cursing his past self for being stupid enough to not think about the consequences of inviting those two pigs to eat at your new home: no sex, and no leftovers.

Highschool Crush (Roronoa Zoro x Reader) AUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ