Chapter 7: Differences

Start from the beginning

"Henry!" Hannah scolded.

Henry only began laughing.

Hannah sighed and walked in. Atlas and I followed her. A elderly women walked out of the left bedroom. She hobbled with a old cane.

"Hello Granny!" Hannah called happily.

"Hi Granny!" Atlas smiled at the elderly lady.

"W-Welcome back my granddaughters." The elderly woman croaked.

"This is Evelyn. Is it okay if she stays with us for a little while?" Hannah asked.

"O-Of course. H-Hello Evelyn! Y-You can call me Granny." The elderly woman smiled, revealing rows of crooked teeth.

"Okay, Granny." I smiled back.

Granny wobbled over the old cabinets. She opened one cabinet, and grabbed five apples.

"D-Dinner." Granny said happily.

That's dinner? Just one apple? I nearly gapped. Atlas scampered over to Granny, and took four of the apples.

"Thank you Granny!" Both Atlas and Hannah said in a chorus.

"T-Thank you." I stuttered after them.

"Y-You're welcome. N-Now go to bed and get rest." Granny stuttered.

Hannah walked into the right room. She sat Henry on the right bed. Atlas handed Henry an apple. He grabbed it, and ate it happily.

"Do you have any pajamas in that bag?" Hannah asked, glancing at me.

"Yeah." I nodded.

Hannah walked over to a small dresser, and opened a drawer. She took out a small cleanish zip up sleeper and a diaper. Hannah waltzed over to the left bed. She undressed Henry, and changed his diaper.

"I cold." Henry shivered.

"I know Henry. Just finish your apple." Hannah quickly put Henry's sleeper on him.

"Atlas, go check on Granny. And eat your apple." Hannah ordered.

Atlas nodded and left, her apple in her hand . Hannah turned to me.

"How old are you?" She asked.

"15." I responded.

"Me too. You're old enough to help out, you know. We can't afford for you not to do anything." Hannah said matter factly.

"I know." I agreed.

"Good. Put Henry to bed for me. I want to go spend time with Granny and Atlas." Hannah ordered.

I simply nodded, and Hannah left. She was bossy! I walked over, and sat next to Henry.

"Hey Henry. You tired?" I asked softly.

"No! I hungry!" Henry cried.

I grabbed my apple, and gave it to him. Somehow I knew he needed it more. He gobbled it quickly. I picked him up, and cradled him to my chest like a baby. I sat on one of the pillows, and leaned my back against the wall. Henry snuggled up close to me. He quickly started to snore softly. I leaned my head on the wall and eventually fell fast asleep.

I woke up suddenly. I didn't know why, but I just did. I was covered up with a blanket; Henry snuggled up beside me. Atlas was sleeping in the other bed with Hannah. Hannah sat up.

"You can't sleep either?" I heard Hannah whisper.

I could see the outline of her face staring at me. I didn't respond. Hannah climbed out of her bed, and walked over to me.

"I know you're awake." Hannah whispered.

"I know." I whispered.

"Get up." Hannah ordered.

I obeyed. I followed Hannah back into the main room. Hannah sat down on the couch; I sat down next to her.

"Let me tell you somethings." Hannah began.

I stayed silent to let Hannah speak.

"I have to go to work soon, so you need to take care of Atlas and Henry. I normally take Atlas with me, but since you're here, you take care of her. Granny can take care of Henry for a few hours. You can take Atlas to pick some fruit or something." Hannah explained.

"Okay." I agreed.

Hannah smiled, and stood up. She walked up to a cabinet and took out a small loaf bread.

"When was the last you ate?" Hannah asked.

"Yesterday morning." My stomach growled.

"What did you do with the apple?" Hannah questioned.

"I gave it to Henry." I responded.

"That was nice." Hannah answered.

She cut two slices of bread. Hannah picked them both up, and walked back over to the couch. She handed me a slice. I ate it slowly. It tasted so good.

"What's your last name, Evelyn?" Hannah asked with a mouthful of bread.

"Anderson." I replied.

"You're from the Andersons? The rich ones?" Hannah said calmly.

"Yes." I nodded.

Hannah seemed lost in thought. I heard small feet run out into the open. Henry ran over to me, Atlas in tow.

"He woke me up!" Atlas complained loudly.

"New fwriend." Henry smiled and hugged my legs.

"Henry, that's Evelyn." Hannah introduced.

Henry scrambled onto the couch between me and Hannah.

"I hungry!" Henry declared.

Hannah got up and went to cut another slice of bread.

"Get me one too!" Atlas called, plopping down on the couch.

Hannah came back with two slices. She gave one to Atlas, and one to Henry. Henry gobbled his up, and stuck his tongue out at me. I giggled and tossed him up into the air. Henry laughed. Hannah grabbed Henry from me, and cradle him to her chest.

"My baby." Hannah said defensively, while Henry fought to get up.

I grabbed Atlas and pulled her to me.

"My baby." I hissed playfully.

"Hey! I'm not a baby!" Atlas complained.

I tickled her, and she burst out laughing. I joined in laughing, as well as Hannah and Henry. We laughed and laughed. For the first time I felt like I truly belonged.


Thank you for reading this chapter. Sorry if it's posted a little late. But, what did you think of it? What do you think of Hannah, Atlas, Henry, and Granny? What do you think is going to happen next? And as always, have a amazing day/morning/evening/night.

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