Chapter 5: The Village

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The crunching sound of the dry leaves echoed across the forest. I had been walking for at least two miles now trying to get to the village. I found a small clearing in the middle of the Woods and I took a seat.

I sat down and took out my canteen. I unscrewed the cap and greedily began gulping it down, savoring every drop of water. The little bit of water I had, disappeared. I groaned in frustration. I knew I should have packed that second canteen. I instantly regretted not bringing it.

There was a lake about a mile away from where I was but that would prolong my journey and the last thing, I needed was to get lost in the forest. I inhaled deeply.

I wanted to use the duplicating spell, but I hadn't learned much about it after all it was a level 8 spell. "To Aerwyna's grave with that," I thought in my head. Here goes nothing.

I've raised my hands and focused on the water's energy; I pictured the molecules stretching and duplicating rapidly I opened my eyes slightly and saw the ball of water stretching, it suddenly split into two balls of water.

 I closed my eyes tightly and focused so hard. Suddenly the ball exploded and vaporized into thin air. I silently said some words my mother would not be proud of.

I continued to walk until I approached some gates...

Now is NOT the time to chicken out Maeve. You finally get to move into the village and live in a HOUSE! Not some old wooden shack in the woods.

 I took a deep breath. 16 years old now and going to live in the village. As I approached the kingdom, two guards stopped me. "Excuse me miss, who are you?" With a flick of my hand I transformed my appearance under my cloak. Hope this works...

"You mean to tell me you don't know who I am?!" I said mustering my best British accent. "Ma'am please remove the cloak," one guard said.

My heart was racing, my palms were sweaty. I inhaled deeply and removed the hood of my cloak. The guard's faces immediately paled. "Y-y-your M-majesty!" the second guard stuttered. The first guard looked as if he was about to vomit and faint at the same time.

 "W-we are so, so s-sorry," They said simultaneously. "Do NOT make the same mistake again," I said trying to hold my accent.

They both nodded. I flipped the hood over my head and walked into the village. Once the guards were out of sight, I changed back to my regular appearance. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I moved over to a corner I found and took out a silver coin. This isn't going to cut it. I looked around to make sure no one was there and pictured four coins. Let's hope this works. POP! POP! POP! POP! I opened my eyes and saw four more silver pieces.

 I closed my fist around them and took a step forward. POP! POP! POP! I looked down and saw three more silver pieces. Crap.

A small mountain of coins was piling up. I tried shoving as much coins as I could under my cloak, but it was no use, it wasn't stopping.

I tried to shovel the coins into a barrel, nothing worked. People were starting to look my way, and suspicious murmurs filled the air. I smiled awkwardly and stepped forward to hide my mess.

Out the corner of my eye I saw a young girl, about my age. She had dark brown skin, short wavy hair, and beautiful brown eyes. She looked around cautiously and disappeared around the corner.

I wanted to follow her, but if I did people would know. I snapped my fingers behind my back, and one by one the silver pieces vanished. I slid all the coins I managed to collect into my coat pocket. I took a deep breath in and sighed of relief. I started to walk in the direction I saw the young women go, but then two guards stepped in my way. 

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Your Favorite Wolfie, XOXO

(Also yes, I am aware I'm using XOXO incorrect, it's just the weird, quirky person I am)

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