Josh❤️ X Mully🧡 ~ His Back...

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One night, I was getting ready for a Halloween party with my girlfriend Kristy. We were having this party for close friends only but then I got a call from a friend that told me something horrendous...

~ Smashing: Josh, bro get ready...

~Josh: For what...

~Smashing: Word got out and rumor has it that dude you hate, Mully is coming to the party...

~Josh: Goddamn, why can't people keep their mouth shut...

~Smashing: I don't know but let's hope all goes while.

I was so furious.. I just ended the call. I finally got back to getting ready for the party. Kristy came back to the room an I told her what was going on, she wasn't happy because she doesn't like drama. We start getting the party set up and people start to show up.


It has been an hour since the party started, I was talking to Smashing and the boys when Kristy and Gabby ran up to us, saying that Mully had just arrived. I started to make my way to the front of the party with Kristy, looking clueless and then that's when he walks up to us.

~ Mully: What's up bro long time no see...

~ Josh: Hey bro...

~ Mully: Damn, who is this sexy ass lady...

(Mully looks Kristy up and down)

~ Josh: This is my girlfriend....

~ Mully: Damn, bro you got yourself a dime piece...

I was getting frustrated, I didn't like the way he was talking to Kristy. I told Mully we were leaving now and started to walk away, but then.. he slapped Kristy ass and she pulled me back and screamed.

~ Josh: What the fuck bro...

~ Mully: What bro she's got a fat ass...

~ Josh: Oh really...

I then just go off on and punch Mully in the face. We got into a massive fight, until Grant and Eddie broke us up. Mully gets dragged out the party by Smashing and Gaege with some mean look on his face, I honesty really hate that....


(。♡‿♡。) (。♡‿♡。)(。♡‿♡。)

Ik it's a crazy one but it's a good one in my opinion 💓🙌🏼

If you guys would like to follow my fan account on IG it's at:




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