Juicy Pt.2 💜 ~ Let you down...

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The ambulance came. I put my hand on the wound to keep him from bleeding out. The paramedics had to move me away from him so they can put him in a stretcher and take him to the hospital. There was so much blood... I ran into the car and drove to the hospital.. balling my eyes out... why did this happen!? Who would do such a thing!

-10 minutes later...-

I ran inside of the emergency room and I asked the nurse if a guy came in with a gunshot wound. She told me that he was sent into surgery and took me to the waiting room... I hope he is okay I can't lose him. Not now.

-5 hours later...-

As I sat here, contemplating about what had just happened, two doctors came up to me... Please be alive Gaege please be alive...

Doctor: Hello, are you Gaege's girlfriend?

Y/N: No, I'm his roommate? What happened? Did something bad happened?

Doctor: I'm Doctor Rivers and this Doctor Martinez. We operated on your roommate.. he suffered a minor injury. The bullet went inside the liver so we took a piece of it off but he is fine and he is going to live a good life!

Y/N: Oh thank god! Can I go see him?

Doctor Rivers: Yes you can!

I started to cry and hugged both doctors. They walked me to his room and sat next to him, holding his hand. He started to wake up from the anesthesia. I looked at him as more tears rolls down my cheek. He wiped my tear and moved over so I can lay with him.

Gaege: I'm sorry that I scared you like that.

Y/N: It's okay, I'm just glad you are okay.. that's all that matters

Gaege: You know you were supposed to go out with me but I found you sleeping and I don't want to wake you up so I went to the store by myself.

Y/N: Why didn't you wake me up?! I could have gone with you and none of this would have happened...

Gaege: I know but you were peacefully sleeping and I didn't want you to wake up.

Y/N: Are you mad...?

Gaege: No, I'm not. None of this was your fault.. don't beat yourself..

Y/N: Okay....

I hugged him, softly. I've never been so scared for my life, but now I will never

~Let you down...~

(。♡‿♡。) (。♡‿♡。)(。♡‿♡。)

I hope you guys enjoyed part 2 of Juicy's fanfiction!!☺️💓

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