Chapter 10

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A/N: Please remember to check the Trigger Warnings part at the start of this book!

Half an hour later, Megan is at the local Barnes and Noble. She's in the classics section looking for the texts she needs. She looks at the list on her phone and then back at the shelves. Eventually, after ten minutes, she's found the text that she needs: The Handmaid's Tale, The Raven and The Taming of the Shrew. Since she still has some money left, she decides to go to the Young Adult section and gets a book for herself to enjoy. After some intense moments of trying to figure out what book she wants, she decides on Forest of Souls by Lori M. Lee. She walks to checkout, pays, puts the books in her backpack and walks out.

As Megan is turning the corner, she bumps into Adrian.

'I had a feeling you'd be here.' He smiles.

'At this exact time?' Megan raises her eyebrow. 'Why don't you just say that you're following me?' Adrian looks around to make sure that no-one is paying attention. He grabs onto Megan's hand.

'Come with me.' He says. He leads Megan into the closest alley. He leads her far enough down that no-one will see them.

'Adr-' Megan goes to say but he interrupts her by planting a kiss on her lips. He slowly and gently pushes her against the wall as he does.

'I couldn't wait until tomorrow to do that again.' He whispers before kissing her again. Instead of pushing him away like she should, Megan kisses him back, letting her backpack fall from her shoulder. Adrian pulls away and tucks Megan's hair behind her ear. 'I think that essay you'll be doing for me tomorrow will be at least a B.' He kisses her neck up to her ear. 'We'll have to wait until tomorrow to see if it will be an A.' He whispers into her ear. 

'When?' Megan whispers. 

'Tomorrow. After class.' Adrian tells her as he strokes her cheek. 

'Okay.' Megan smiles slightly. 

'And don't be late for class.' Adrian raises an eyebrow before walking off. After a few minutes, Megan picks her bag up and makes her way home. 


When Megan walks into the apartment, she puts her bag in her bedroom before walking through to the kitchen. She makes herself a toasted bagel with some cream cheese as well as doing herself a mug of hot chocolate. Once she's done that, she walks back to her room, places the plate and mug on her side table. She sits crossed-legged on her bed before getting out the work she needs to do. Since she only has to do a bit of reading, she takes her copy of Romeo and Juliet out alongside her pencil case and notebook and starts making notes. 

Half an hour later, her phone rings. Seeing that it's Sylvie, she answers it and puts it on speaker. 

'Hey.' Megan starts off the conversation. 

'Hey.' Sylvie replies. 'I just wanted to check that you got back home okay?

'Yeah.' Megan nods. 'I'm just doing some school work.' 

'Okay, well, make sure you eat.' Sylvie tells her. 

'I am.' Megan laughs slightly. 'I've just had a bagel.' 

'I mean a proper meal.' Sylvie responds. 

'I'll throw a pizza in the oven or something.' Megan assures her. 'I promise.' 

'Good.' Sylvie exhales. 'I'll let you get back to your schoolwork. I might call back in a bit.

'Okay.' Megan smiles. 'Bye.' Sylvie says goodbye before hanging up. Before Megan can turn her attention back to her school work, there's a knock at the door. She gets up off her bed and starts walking out of her room but as she passes her mirror, she catches sight of a hickey on her neck. 'Shit.' She whispers to herself. She quickly grabs one of her summer scarves from behind her door. She puts the scarf on as she runs to the door. She opens the door and sees Antonio. 'Antonio? What can I do for you?' 

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