Chapter 3

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Antonio walks out to the ambulance. Sylvie is standing outside of the ambulance waiting for Antonio whilst Emily is sat in the back of the ambulance with Megan. 

'Foster will get you cleaned up on the way to Med.' Sylvie informs him. 'Megan will need a few stitches and a small transfusion. She'll definitely be admitted for a psychiatric hold.' 

'Do you know what caused her-' Antonio starts to ask but then stops when he realises he doesn't know how to word what he wants to say. 

'Megan's mental health has been low for a good few years.' Sylvie says knowing what he's trying to ask. 'She was bullied over her weight in middle school which is where it started, I guess. She's recovering from anorexia and bulimia. I haven't seen her in about a year. We've talked over Instagram and on the phone but I didn't realise it was this bad. The bullying is why she was sent to the boarding school in the first place.' 

'Brett!' Emily shouts. 'She's having a seizure!' Sylvie runs to the back of the ambulance, climbs in and helps Emily.

'Diazepam.' Emily states. She reaches into the medical bag, gets out a syringe of Diazepam, places it into Megan's cannula and pushes the medication through. After a minute, Megan stops seizing. 'She's most likely overdosed on something.' Sylvie gets the oxygen mask and places it over Megan's head and over her nose and mouth. 'We should put restraints on.'

'Yeah.' Sylvie nods in agreement. 'If she comes to before we get to the hospital, she'll be confused. She'll try to get up and most likely hurt herself again.' Emily stands up, rummages through the cubbys until she finds the restraints. She hands one to Emily and they both attach the restraints to the bed before putting Megan's hands through them. 'Let's get to Med.' Sylvie tells Emily. 'I'll call ahead to get psyche on standby.' Sylvie jumps out of the back and rejoins Antonio. 'We've stopped the seizure. We're going to head to Med now so jump in the back and Foster will look you over.'


Arriving at Med, Megan is now conscious. Sylvie and Emily have removed the restraints. Doctors Will Halstead and Daniel Charles alongside Nurse April Sexton walk up to them.

'This is Megan Levine. She's sixteen years old. She's got self-inflicted wounds to both wrists. She's had a seizure which was relieved with diazepam. We think she overdosed.' Sylvie starts the handover.

'I didn't overdose!' Megan insists. 'How many times do I have to say it?!'

'She has a history of poor mental health.' Sylvie adds. They wheel her into the treatment as Emily recites the young girl's vitals.

'Hank Voight's unit found her.' Emily says. 'Detective Dawson has a deep laceration to his palm.' She continues. 'He's behind us.'

'I'll get him into a treatment room and get Doctor Choi to take a look.' April says before walking away. Will, Emily and Sylvie help Megan over to the bed.

'She's my cousin, so I'll be staying with her.' Sylvie informs the two doctors. 'Voight will explain everything when he gets here. We don't know where her parents are so I'll just say now that I give consent for you to run any tests and procedures you deem necessary.' Emily then leaves to take the kit back to the ambulance. Ambulance 61 has been taken out of rotation for the remainder of the shift.

'Hi, Megan.' Will smiles. 'I'm Dr Halstead. I'll be taking care of you today.' Dr Charles then steps forward. 'This is Dr Charles, he's-'

'A psychiatrist.' Megan sighs. 'You're here to do an evaluation - ask me how I'm feeling today, how I've been feeling the last few weeks, you're going to ask me what I think led to me self-harming today before putting me under a psychiatric hold.' She says. 'I've been through this plenty of times before. I know the drill.' There are a few moments of silence.

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