"Hi we're looking for a boat," Nathan said with a charming smile.

"Oh you guys going on a little adventure?" The man asked as his face lit up brightly.

"Yeah I guess you can say that." Nathan said with a sly smirk.

Adventure wouldn't be the word Katia would use. More like potential death sentence.

The man nodded then went on and on about the trips he used to have in his younger years while the four of them just stood there awkwardly. Katia and Nathan smiled politely as he continued to talk while Damien sulked by the fishing rods. Celia cleared her throat, beginning to get fed up.

"That sounds very interesting but we would like to go before it gets dark," she said, not bothering to hide her annoyance. Katia shot Celia a look, which she ignored.

"Oh yes!" The man said, luckily not taking offense. "Sorry, I just can't help reminiscing about the good old days. Come back here and you can choose a boat."

He led them to the back where there were rows and rows of boats. They looked along the aisles for a good one but they were all too expensive. Lucky for them they only had a few hundred dollars.

In the end they had to settle for an old rowboat that was missing an oar. Katia could see mold growing inside but tried not to think about it too much.

"Just bring it back before we close. Have fun!" The man called out as they dragged the boat to the lake.

It was a short hike, but Katia was surprised it didn't fall apart on the pebble stone shore.

"I can't believe the Guardians only gave us fifty dollars each!" Celia said in exasperation. "Some Guardians they are."

"Well at least we didn't use your money," Damien said in an annoyed tone as he dragged the boat with Nathan. It was the first time he talked in a while. He had a low brooding voice but it contained a quiet power.

Finally they reached the lake and pushed the boat into the water. It was a tight fit but they managed to squeeze in.

"Get your damn foot off me," Celia hissed at Nathan.

"In case you haven't noticed, it's a little cramped," Nathan stated as he pushed himself as close to the side of the boat as possible.

Katia tried to reposition herself into a more comfortable position and accidentally elbowed Damien in the face. He shoved her to the side and Katia screamed as she almost went overboard.

"Watch it!" Katia yelled.

"You hit me," Damien said in a menacing tone.

Katia rolled her eyes. "It was an accident. You don't need to shove me over the side."

Damien didn't say anything. He only glowered at Katia as she pushed off the shore with their one oar. Then she had the water push their boat along and they began to slowly drift along the surface of the lake.

There were a couple of people swimming. Others were fishing and in their own boats, but soon they disappeared from sight as Katia continued to push them along.

Everyone was tense on the boat, none of them moving. In a way that was better. Katia knew that as soon as someone bumped into another person, tempers would snap and a fight would ensue.

Katia could sense everyone getting restless as they kept their eyes peeled for Serena's island. Celia began skipping a stone to follow their boat and Nathan was twirling a miniature tornado on the tip of his finger.

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