Day 2: Neighbour Fiesta

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Tuesday, 11th December.

1:24 AM

Dear Diary,

Hi. First, I know that it has been almost over twenty four hours since I last wrote to you. I hope you understand that I've been busy unpacking and setting my room up, as well as socializing with my new neighbours.

Yes, that's exactly what I said. Even in a remote place like Ashewille, there is still room for socializing. Thank God for that, too. I think I would have died by now if there wasn't anyone to talk to. Anyone apart from Mom and Dad, that is.

More on that later, though. Before that I need to fill you in on all the stuff I did today. It was awesome, that I can tell you.

I got up at around six in the morning, and it was still quite dark. Those neon lights that line our streets were glowing beautifully, and they seemed to cast such an exotic shadow over the houses opposite us that I was breathtaken. I suppose I should have felt scared or something, but it really was a beautiful sight! So, without thinking twice, I picked up my fuschia parka and Burberry scarf and went out for a walk. And a darn good thing that I did to, because you'd never believe who I ran into!


Yes. The one and only, Ben McNee. Yep, that's his name. A little awkward for a macho guy like him, I'd say. If I were his parents I'd have named him something like Nathan, or maybe Noah. Not that I'd ever want to be his parent. It's just me, saying that if I was given the opportunity to name him, I'd have named him that. Oh, God. I'm rambling again.

So, first things first. Ben was out on a run, and he looked absolutely gorgeous. His cheeks were flushed from all the exercise and obviously the cold, but his eyes stood out amongst his features like two deep, blue pools of crystal clear water. When he looked at me with those eyes, sigh; he is a total heartbreaker.

I don't have much time to write, so I'm going to cut to the chase and tell you this. Ben and I are going shopping tomorrow. Yes, shopping! Not only am I going with a hunk, but I'm going to be going shopping. I think I might have died and gone to heaven.

I'm sleepy. Talk to you later, best friend.




PS: I already know what I'm going to wear.

PPS: I can't wait to check the mall out. I bet it's fabulous! And stocked!

PPPS: There's a weird old neighbour living on the right side of our house. He passes me smiles and winks at me when I smile back. Creepy. But he's like a hundred years old, so I guess it's okay. I'm bringing joy to his otherwise dry life I suppose.

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