"Well, your father thinks he knows who has been exchanging inside information with your uncle." Mrs. Jeon says looking down at their hands as her voice wavers. "He says he's sure but he can't be sure of anything. He can only assume."

"What's that mean?" The younger asks. He knew that someone on the inside was trading information with his uncle. It had been happening for years now.

"I don't know. You know I don't know." The woman says looking up at her son with teary eyes. "I don't know anything."

"Okay," Jeongguk says quickly believing his mother. She never had much access to any inside information. "I'll go talk to him~"

"No, Jeongguk. Please. Just go. Just leave." Mrs. Jeon says, her voice almost hysterical as she begs her son to leave the house. "It's fine. Everything's good."

The ravenette nodded even though he knew he couldn't leave when his father was expecting him. "Take care of your face, ma. I'll be fine."

Mrs. Jeon nods without arguing about him leaving. "I'm sorry, honey~"

"It's not your fault," Jeongguk says pulling her into a hug. Holding her close for a few moments before letting her go. "I'll be fine."

The ravenette turns to leave without looking at his mother. Not wanting to see the tears in her eyes. He hated seeing her cry and knowing there was nothing he could do about it.

When he gets to his dad's office he ignores his shaking hands and opens the door without knocking. Finding his brother standing beside his father's desk with a hard look on his face. Keeping his eyes trained on the ground when Jeongguk enters.

"What took you so long?" His father asks as he closes the door behind himself.

"I came when Jihyuk called," Jeongguk says as his father stands. Stepping in front of his desk and waiting for him to continue.

"What took so long?" Mr. Jeon asks again as he steps from around his desk. His eyes hard and threatening as he stands over his son.

Jeongguk glances at Jihyuk who shifts anxiously as he avoids eye contact. "I came as soon as I could."

"Your uncle found out we were the ones that lifted the laptop." His father says leaning against his desk. Holding a glass of liquor in his right hand, swirling it around the glass. "What do you know about that?"

"Nothing," Jeongguk says looking the man directly in the eyes. "I'm close to getting into the hard drive though. I was actually almost in when Jihyuk called."

"Really?" Mr. Jeon asks with an unconvinced expression. Bringing his glass to his lips and downing the rest of the alcohol. Jeongguk could tell it wasn't his first, or third. "And you have no idea how your uncle came to find out we were the ones who took the laptop?"

"No. I haven't talked to anyone over there since that night." The ravenette responds hesitantly. He knew nothing he said right now was going to convince his father of anything. "I swear."

The man chuckles shortly, looking over at Jihyuk who keeps his eyes down. "He swore, Jihyuk. You know your little brother can't lie, right?"

Jihyuk's jaw tightens but he keeps his eyes forward. "He's the only one that's been in contact with anyone from the outside."

Jeongguk looks at Jihyuk in confusion. Narrowing his eyes at his brother as he tries to figure out why he was throwing him under the bus.

"Is that right, Jeongguk?" Mr. Jeon asks as he pours himself another drink from the bottle that sat on his desk. "Have you been in contact with someone from the outside?"

Trapped by Desire (vkook) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now