It all started at the end of class 78 (togakure)

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Togami couldn't quite pinpoint the moment when he realized he was deathly in love with him. By him he means the most idiotic pleb anyone could think of, Yasuhiro Hagakure. But here he was, laying next to Hiro after an absolutely draining future foundation meeting which discussed the painful topic of the class 78 killing game. Togami felt like absolute trash thinking about how he treated his classmates..his..friends..moments before or after their deaths. The similar sinking feeling of sadness was keeping him awake. After glancing at the flashing numbers of the alarm clock next to him he realized it was already 4:12 am.
"Jesus Christ..."
it was a tired mumbled directed at nobody  but his own brain.
"Why did I treat them like that..I was always better then them but they weren't trash.."
At this point Togami had forgotten about the man laying next to him.
"Hm...what are you going on about..?"
Ah yes..Yasuhiro.
"It's nothing go back to sleep."
Hiro rolled over and wrapped his arms around Togami's waist
"Please tell me what's up? For some reason I can't predict right now..maybe the government hacked my brain or something!"
See what Togami meant by 'the most idiotic pleb'?
Letting a sigh escape his lips he began explaining "..I feel guilty for how I treated everyone during the..the.."
Togami couldn't form the words he needed "I-.."
"Hey Gami don't worry about it..I don't know where our friends are but I'm sure they aren't too worried about how you acted..." Hiro wasn't good with other's emotions but he'll try "If they could see you now they'd forgive you! I predict it!! And you know Sakura and aoi are probably more busy with each other to worry about what you did..same thing with taka and mondo."
"I would hope so..moments before they died..I..I would bully them..make fun of them worthless..why would I do such a thing? Sakura's death could've probably been avoided if I had gotten my act together." That always stuck with Togami, especially when he'd see Aoi holding onto whatever bits and pieces of her memories with Sakura she could've taken with her out of that hell. Aoi wouldn't have to be alone if he had never spoken about Sakura's misdeeds.
"No way! Hey if you're responsible for the ogre's death then I am too...I was one of the idiots who hit her with the bottle."
Well that was reasonable but Togami has to disagree.
"You are the furthest thing from at fault, my dear."
"Well then so are you! Also awww i'm your dear!"
Hiro pulled Togami closer to him as Togami blushed a bright red
"Shut up pleb..."
"Shut up?! You're so mean gami I was trying to be sweetttt!"
"If you want to be sweet then hush and sleep and let me sleep."
"Hmph whatever richy rich."
Hiro let go of togami's waist out of pure spite.
"I never said let go..."

this was requested by @_bokuro_ ! I hope this  was good i've never written about these two before
Also I was thinking about making these longer? Would that be alright? I don't want them to be too long and feel unreadable or annoying-

My danganronpa ship oneshots (DISCONTINUED)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя