I'm an assassin not cooking mama! (Kirumaki)

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Kirumi was the chef of the couple absolutely no questions asked. She also did most of the cleaning..talking..working..etc so maki decided that she wanted to help her girlfriend relax a bit for once. Ms Maki Harukawa, the ultimate assassin, is going to bake a cake. Okay it may not seem like much, but despite Kirumi's dark and somewhat intimidating appearance, she loves sweet things. Like absolutely adores them, so when maki was trying to think of what the best thing to do for Kirumi was, she decided on baking her a cake.
The idea of doing something is always easy when it's just an idea, but going from killing people to trying to find out how much sugar is needed is a very difficult task. Here maki is, in the middle of the kitchen trying her best to not fail, she has already managed to drop 2 eggs on the floor and almost managed to spill the whole bag of flour, she saved it though!...well more like Ryoma did. He saw it right before it but the ground, it was funny how small the man was compared to the bag of flour..
NO! Maki stay on task..
So things weren't going quite as planned, maki could feel herself slipping into the same sad, cold, lonely feeling as always. How could she fail so badly? There was cake batter everywhere, she was covered in flour, and the kitchen reeked of vanilla, the liquid that was meant to make things sweet but was making maki quite sour right now. Maybe the reason she messed up was because she was meant to be alone, she kills people for a living. What business does someone like that have being in love..maybe darkness was her destiny..she could feel the wet tears fall down her flour covered face, slowly splashing and dripping onto the counter like small drips of rain.
"Maki..Is everything alright?"
The voice she heard..it was kirumi wasn't it. Maki could recognize her voice anywhere. It was smooth like silk, as dark as the night, but yet still so beautiful. Like the way a night sky rests at the end of a day.
"Not really. But I'll manage."
Hurrying to keep her emotions at bay, maki quickly rubbed way her tears and began putting things away.
"What happened my dear..please explain how this came to be. I'll help you clean up.."
"I can handle it. Don't stress yourself I didn't mean to make more work for you.."
"It is not work my love, I live to serve. As the ultimate maid it's what I do best."
"I was baking a cake.."
"Very not you but continue.."
"Because I feel bad. You're so busy all the time and you do so much for me..and I know you love sweets so.."
Kirumi stopped in the middle of her task and rested her hand on maki's cheek, getting some of the flour from Maki's face onto her gloves
"Maki..no one does things for me..thank you."
"But I messed up and ended up making more work for you."
"It's the thought that counts. And." Kirumi removed her glove for a second to taste the 'batter' if you could call it that from the inside of the bowl. She was tried to lie and say it was good, but Kirumi was 99% sure Maki used salt and not sugar.
"Oh wow..it's..salty.."
Maki blushed with embarrassment and turned away
"I'm an assassin! Not cooking mama!"
"Cooking mama..?"
"S..shut up!!!"

I'm sorry for the delay! I was in the hospital and then some family things happened! But I'm back now!
(Requested by @ThatKidFromMars )

Edit: just fixed some typos. Sorry about those!

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