I'm mr lover man, and I miss my lover man (hagakueon)

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Leon knew where he was wasn't the time to make friends. He knew it wasn't the place to fall in love. But looking into the other man's eyes he was in too deep. He couldn't stop himself from falling from the other. Oh how gorgeous he was. Yasuhiro grabbed Leon's hand, pulling him out of his head.
"We'll get out of here. It's gonna be okay. I predicted it! I'm right 30% of the time but this time I'm 100% sure!"
"Yeah. I'm sure of it too! Nothing will make us kill anyone."
The taller man grabbed Leon's face and gave him a quick kiss
"I'll keep you safe!"
"I'll always be here for you Hiro. I promise."
That night was all Leon could think of as he was standing in trial, trying to cover his ass for the murder of the ultimate pop idol. Hiro was desperately trying to find a reason why it wasn't Leon
"HE WOULDN'T KILL ANYONE! HE PROMISED!" Hiro was screaming at everyone in the courtroom. He felt the walls Collapsing onto him.
"I'm sorry Hiro. Sometimes people lie.." Aoi was trying her best to comfort Hiro, they weren't the closest. Hiro's stupid nature was too much for her. She's a bit hotheaded.
"No! It was naegi! It was his room! He killed her! Please! Plea..se."
Leon watched as hiro fell to the ground sobbing. His hicks and cries were so loud, it was hard to hear the discussion happening between the other students.
"It was you! Leon Kuwata! Wasn't it?!" Naegi had put every piece together. Spelling out every way it was Leon, Hiro's Leon.
"Upupupup~! The super high school level baseball star killing the pop idol?! Insane! Just what I love to see! Guilty guilty guilty~! Breaking your promise to poor Yasuhiro. Aww look at him cry. His loving boyfriend, stabbing an innocent young lady. So much potential between you too. Sad to see it go..JUST KIDDING! I don't care."
Leon ran to Hiro's side
"No please don't cry. It's gonna be fine. It was self defense. He won't take me away from you. He won't. It's stupid stupid stupid stupid!" Hiro's grip on Leon was so strong.
"Shhh hiro, maybe you don't have to live much longer!" Monokuma said cheerfully as he gripped Leon's wrist and threw him into a hallway where he was pulled by his neck to his death.
All the students were forced to watch as Leon was pelted with baseballs, hiro could barely stand it. "Why..Leon..WHY!"
"Maybe you shouldn't have fallen in love during a killing game you pleb." Togami's cold words only made Hiro feel worse. He knew Togami was right. Love. Love in a place like this? How stupid was he. Maybe they were all right.
Hiro had to be helped back to his room by Sakura and Aoi because he could barely walk on his own. His body was shutting down. He felt nothing. Before the two girls could help Hiro back to his room. Monokuma shoved one of Leon's jackets into his arms.
Next thing hiro knew, he was laying on his bed with Leon's jacket next to him, he held it close to his chest "you were supposed to be here for me. How did this happen...WHY AREN'T YOU HERE FOR ME LEON. WHY."
His desperate sobs were so loud, Mondo and Taka came to check on him. They thought he was being murdered. Hiro heard a fast, hard knock on his door. The same way Leon would knock. His feet moved him to his door on his own as he swung the door open as fast as possible, but when he wasn't met with Leon's soft, blue eyes staring back at him, he broke down again.
"Hey..bro..do you need help or something..?" Mondo was a bit awkward but his heart was in a good place
"I..I don't need help..I just need Leon..."
"Bro I know..but he's gone.."

I know this was pretty out of character but this was mostly just because I was sad alxhsosh this was meant to stay in the drafts but I had nothing else to post and no time to write. I hope y'all understand!!)

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