the only game we can play

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FALLOUT427: okay for contacts whenever me and my family have game night we usually play the same game because other games will lead to us either tried to kill each other having an argument or not speaking to each other for 3 months straight or on the rare occasions leave us with genital scarring

Cardin: oh my God you were hosting a Super Smash Bros tournament

FALLOUT427: ok maybe not that serious but still pretty serious and I'm going to be showing you the games that we no longer play also whenever we play these games no powers are allowed

Neptune: alright let's see it


The screen turns on to show thisdemonlikesanime Ria, Mia Kazuten_Ichinikaze and cheerfulreaper FALLOUT427 Chaos Rev and steel at a table

Chaos: time to play some spades

Steel: before we do that though * he puts his hand over Ria's eyes and give her back her sight* this way you can see your cards let's try not to kill each other it's just a friendly game

Mercury: someone's going to die

Cardin: either that or the word friendly is going out the window

Thorax: or one of them is going to be a sore winner

5 minutes later

Ria has won two games in a row has now be cocky and cussing is yelling her head off as FALLOUT427 and Kazuten_Ichinikaze are cheerfulreaper are laughing in the background chaos is acting as her hype man

( as a black person I can confirm this is how we be when we play Spades because we don't play it to have fun we play it simply to talk trash)

Thorax: I called it

Edward: yeesh

FALLOUT427: Next News Truth or Dare and if you don't do the dare then you have to to drink a shot glass of whatever the person gives you also we mostly pick dare so this next clip it's just going to be dare after dare

The screen switches to a different perspective as it shows a bright sunny day as everyone is in the human world and Rev looks like a normal human being

Rev: chaos truth or dare

Chaos: dare

Rev: I dare you to call Supergirl and tell her you hate her and want to break up if you don't do it then you have to drink a shot glass of my semen

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