Dream Walker

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[Quick Author's Note: Hey, guys. I just finished writing this chapter...it's a little longer than most. I really hope you enjoy it. I just want to let you all know that it will probably be my last update until after New Years. I have three exams between now and the 14th, then I'm going home for Christmas. Enjoy! Try not to hate me too much for leaving you with this. :)]


 Sathariel sat on the edge of the bed, watching as Kylie shifted restlessly in her sleep. He sighed, checking his watch: it had been an hour since he’d texted Adrianna. He hoped Spencer would relieve him soon, he was becoming exceedingly uncomfortable.

Kylie whimpered in her sleep, turning to face him and curling in on herself. A lock of her chocolate hair fell in front of her eyes, and Sathariel absently brushed it off of her forehead, tucking it behind her ear. Just then, Spencer walked into the room. Sathariel dropped his hand a stood up. “Rowan finally showed, eh?”

“Yeah, Adri sent him as soon as he got back. Thanks for staying with her, but you didn’t have to,” Spencer said, looking at Sathariel suspiciously.

“She asked me to. Said she didn’t want to be alone…guess I can’t blame her, really. It’s been a rough day,” Sathariel responded.

“Well, thanks again. I can take over now, though,”

“Sure. Thanks for coming; I was starting to get a little crazy with boredom,”

“I could tell,” Spencer said sourly.

“Have a good night, Spence,” Sathariel said, walking past him and out the door.

“Night,” Spencer said tightly.

“Spence?” Kylie said, waking up when Spencer sat down beside her on the bed.

“Hey, Ky. How are you feeling?”

“Okay, I guess. Hungry,” she replied.

“Do you want me to get someone to bring you something? I can text Adrianna, I’m sure she’d do it,”

“No, that’s okay. Don’t bother Adrianna; Sathariel already got her to do me a favor. She may be civil to me now, but we still don’t exactly get along, if you hadn’t noticed.”

“I had, actually, but I’m sure she’d do it. Especially given the…events of today,” Spencer said as delicately as he could.

At the mention of today, Kylie’s eyes hardened. Spencer was taken aback – he’d seen Kylie’s eyes molten with passion, he’d seen them shoot fire when he’d kidnapped her, and he’d seen them glow with power…but he’d never seen them morph instantly into twin chips of green ice.

“Why’d you do it, Spence?” she asked, her voice deceptively low.

“Do what?” Spencer asked, brow furrowing.

“You tried to pull me away from my father who was lying dead on the floor. Not once, but twice. Why?”

“I don’t know, Kylie,” he said in exasperation. “Maybe because you’d just lost Blain, too, and I didn’t think you needed to see Isaac like that,”

“You weren’t even fazed,” she said softly, but her eyes were still hard. “You’ve known him longer than I have. He’s your coven leader, but you weren’t even fazed,” she hissed.

“I was focused on you,” he said, looking at her like he was walking into a trap.

“Lexie told me, you know. That if Isaac had died before he’d been able to find me, you were to be the next coven leader. Is that why? Do you want the position, Spencer? Is that why you didn’t bat an eyelash when you saw my father dead on the floor? Is that why you pulled me away from him?”

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