The Great Escape

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[Quick Author's Note: Heyyy, guys! First up, props to mariposa99 for my gorgeous new cover!  Secondly, I have some surprises in store for you all. This chapter has the first major one...I hope you're all as shocked as I intended! I'm so excited for you all to read this, you have no idea! It isn't as long as the last few chapters, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless! Without further ado...]


Sathariel paced back and forth, his mind working overtime. Adrianna, Isaac, and Lexie were all sitting around the table, unsure how or where to begin their search. Rowan and Tyler were both in with Blain, Natalie was sitting on the counter, and Aradia was leaning against the kitchen door.

“I could try and cast a locator spell,” Aradia offered half-heartedly.

“Won’t work,” Sathariel said. “Healers are abnormal, every one I’ve seen in the nearly two thousand years I’ve been on this earth has this ability to block locator spells. It’s almost like it’s encoded in their DNA.”

“I’m the coven Spellcrafter,” Aradia offered. “Maybe I could write a new spell. A twist on the locator spell that would work on Kylie.”

“You can try,” Sathariel said. “I don’t know how good you are at spellcrafting. I’ve seen others attempt the same feat, though…none have succeeded.”

“I’m pretty good at what I do,” Aradia said defensively. “It’s in my blood.”

“Yes,” Sathariel said. “I am familiar with your namesake, Aradia. In fact, I slept with her once.”

“Nice to know,” Aradia said, rolling her eyes. “I’m going to go work on that spell,” she said to Isaac, and then she left for her shop.

“Fallen angels are capable of tracking,” Isaac said. “Could you track Kylie?”

“It’s difficult to track healers. You have to have some kind of personal connection to them, and I don’t have one to Kylie.”

Just then, Tyler walked out of the room housing Patrick and into the kitchen.

“What is it?” Isaac said, looking up in alarm.

“Well…apparently Blain. Er, sorry, Patrick,” he said, correcting himself hastily. “Well, apparently Patrick has uncanny hearing and has been eavesdropping.”

“And?” Isaac asked.

“He says that he thinks he can track Kylie.”

Sathariel snorted. Isaac glared. Adrianna grew wide-eyed, and Lexie looked like she was contemplating the possibility.

Sathariel was the first to speak. “I highly doubt that. Satanail would have a far better chance. She is pregnant with his child, after all.”

Isaac’s eyes shot towards Sathariel. “You’re right,” he said. “If that isn’t a personal connection, I don’t know what is.”

“You have to be kidding,” Adrianna said.

“Actually, it isn’t a half bad idea,” Lexie added pensively.

“No, you’re right. It’s an all bad idea,” Sathariel said. “I was just illustrating a point, that’s all.”

“But you’re right,” Isaac said. “Satanail might be able to track her. He did make a point of visiting her to tell her what he’d found out about Darklings, regardless of the danger it put him in. You’re the one that realized it. Obviously at least part of him cares about her safety. Maybe he would help us.”

The Dark Side of Family (The Dark Side, Book 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ